
  • Consumer: Functional interface that can be used as the assignment for a lambda expression or method reference;
    • T is the type of the input to the operation;
    • Has two methods:
      • void accept(T t): Abstract method that performs this operation on the given argument;
      • default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer <? super T> after): Default method that returns a composed Consumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by after operation;
  • Predicate: Functional interface that allows us to test objects of a given type;
  • Default method: Interface methods that receive code implementation in its params;
  • @FunctionalInterface: Interface that has one abstract method only and this can be used through lambda;
    • It can have other methods but they should be default;# java-8-lab
  • Terminal operations: findAny, collect, forEach;
  • Stateful operation: Need to process the whole stream even though its terminal operation does not demand it;


  • We cannot declare variables inside lambdas;