
Big O notation

This notation provides an upper bound on the growth rate of a function.

It describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends to a particular value or infinity.

Big O complexity

Time complexities

Constant function - O(1)

f(n) = c Example: swap two numbers;

  • O(logN) - Search in a sorted array with binary search;
  • O(N) - Search for a max element in an unsorted array;
  • O(N*logN) - Mergesort, quicksort, heapsort;
  • O(N^2) - bubble sort
  • O(2^N) - Travelling salesman problem with dynamic programming;
  • O(N!) - Traveling salesman problem with brute force search;

Try to reduce algorithms complexity to linear or logarithmic time complexity.

LinkedList an ArrayList

Each node is composed of data and a reference to the next node in the sequence.

Time complexity based on activities:

  • LinkedList (Dynamic data structures)
    • Indexing: O(n)
    • Insert at the beginning: O(1)
    • Wast space: O(n) since we also store the reference to the next element.
  • ArrayList
    • Indexing: O(1)
    • Insert at the beginning: O(n) we have to reallocate every other element in memory
    • Wast space: 0


Use linked lists to inser/remove elements or if the list size changes frequently.

Use arrays if you need random access to the elements.

Linked lists allocate memory in run-time

Store items with different sizes whereas arrays assume all elements have the same size.


Nodes must be read in a sequencial order.

Difficult to reverse traversing. To do so we would have to implement doubly linked list.