
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The goal of this project is to provide an ETL pipeline so data from a music stream app can have its generated logs structured to be analyzed

Dependency requirements

Running ETL

Postgres database [Docker]

make run-db
make etl

Project structure overview

├── Makefile # Useful commands
├── README.md # Documentation
├── create_tables.py # Database setup (DDL)
├── etl.ipynb # Jupyter notebook for etl analysis
├── etl.py # Etl pipeline for song data and logs analysis
├── file_paths_appender.py # Fetches all file paths
├── file_processor.py # Processes files
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── sql_statements.py # Database DML and DQL statements
├──  test.ipynb # Jupyter notebook for ETL results analysis
├──  time_formatter.py # Formats time to "start_time", "hour", "day", "weekofyear", "month", "year", "weekday"
└── data # Sparkify songs and events log data
    ├── log_data # Events log
    │   └── 2018
    │       └── 11
    └── song_data # Songs data
        └── A
            ├── A
            │   ├── A
            │   ├── B
            │   └── C
            └── B
                ├── A
                ├── B
                └── C



There are songs metadata in data/song_data directory. Sample: data/song_data/A/A/C/TRAACCG128F92E8A55.json

    "num_songs": 1,
    "artist_id": "AR5KOSW1187FB35FF4",
    "artist_latitude": 49.80388,
    "artist_longitude": 15.47491,
    "artist_location": "Dubai UAE",
    "artist_name": "Elena",
    "song_id": "SOZCTXZ12AB0182364",
    "title": "Setanta matins",
    "duration": 269.58322,
    "year": 0

And also generated logs by sparkify app in directory. Sample: data/log_data/2018/11/2018-11-01-events.json

    "artist": null,
    "auth": "Logged In",
    "firstName": "Walter",
    "gender": "M",
    "itemInSession": 0,
    "lastName": "Frye",
    "length": null,
    "level": "free",
    "location": "San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA",
    "method": "GET",
    "page": "Home",
    "registration": 1540919166796.0,
    "sessionId": 38,
    "song": null,
    "status": 200,
    "ts": 1541105830796,
    "userAgent": "\"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/36.0.1985.143 Safari\/537.36\"",
    "userId": "39"


All None values were replaced with numpy.nan;

Removed rows from logs dataframe with dropna where any of the following columns were nan: artist, song, length, since those were the columns used to identify artist and song in postgres tables. This removed ~16% of log events;


Data is loaded into the following postgres tables: songplay - Fact table time - Time dimension table artist - Artist dimension table song - Song dimension table user - User dimension table

Project criteria

Table creation

  • Table creation script runs without errors: The script, create_tables.py, runs in the terminal without errors. The script successfully connects to the Sparkify database, drops any tables if they exist, and creates the tables.
  • Fact and dimensional tables for a star schema are properly defined: CREATE statements in sql_queries.py specify all columns for each of the five tables with the right data types and conditions


  • ETL script runs without errors: The script, etl.py, runs in the terminal without errors. The script connects to the Sparkify database, extracts and processes the log_data and song_data, and loads data into the five tables.
  • ETL script properly processes transformations in Python: INSERT statements are correctly written for each table, and handle existing records where appropriate. songs and artists tables are used to retrieve the correct information for the songplays INSERT

Code Quality

  • The project shows proper use of documentation: The README file includes a summary of the project, how to run the Python scripts, and an explanation of the files in the repository. Comments are used effectively and each function has a docstring
  • The project code is clean and modular: Scripts have an intuitive, easy-to-follow structure with code separated into logical functions. Naming for variables and functions follows the PEP8 style guidelines

Suggestions to Make Your Project Stand Out!

  • Insert data using the COPY command to bulk insert log files instead of using INSERT on one row at a time
  • Add data quality checks
  • Create a dashboard for analytic queries on your new database