Manage ecommerce vouchers. Associates vouchers with any eloquent models and allow multiple models to redeem vouchers.
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Issue missing import Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\AsCollection in Voucher Models
#15 opened by rizkyanfasafm - 0
Voucher Creator
#14 opened by Mghobadid - 0
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Call to undefined cast [MOIREI\Vouchers\Models\AsCollection] on column [data] in model [MOIREI\Vouchers\Models\Voucher].
#10 opened by XternalSoft - 1
Error: In Voucher.php line 210
#8 opened by vsmartcode - 1
Support for laravel 8.*
#3 opened by ilyaskazi - 3
skipping allow_models throws error saying Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
#2 opened by ilyaskazi - 1
Support for laravel 6.*
#1 opened by ilyaskazi