
batch upload youtube videos without Youtube API .No rate limit

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

there is a GUI demo you can just use that


This project aims to automate the upload process for YouTube Videos. Since videos can only be publicly uploaded through the YouTube Data API by using a Google Workspaces Account (not free!), I decided to figure out a headless uploader using Selenium. This approach also bypasses API restrictions (e.g. Rate Limits/Endcards can't be set through the API).There are tons of library existing but not for me .

AS a code dummy,I do accept any advice because of my only purpose is to get things work

  1. Download lastest firefox,open new tab and insert:

一般来说 一个youtube帐号要新建一个profile 文件夹可以选在assets下

2.install firefox addon, Cookie-Editor,mannually login into youtube channel,click profile icon, choose english language,export a cookie.json

  1. if you want to ajust source code, pls do

git clone https://github.com/wanghaisheng/ytb_up
pip install -r requirements.txt

all codes under **ytb_up**, twist them as you wish

  1. run demo project
git clone https://github.com/wanghaisheng/autovideo

conda create -n autovideo python=3.9
conda activate autovideo

pip install -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ requests pillow itemdbs selenium-wire moviepy ytb_up

pip install -i  https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple requests pillow itemdbs selenium-wire moviepy ytb_up
python auto_video.py
  1. use as a lib
pip install ytb-up

features YOU MAY NEED

1. proxy support

auto detect whether need a proxy

2. cookie support

for those multiple channels under same google account

3. schedule time publish

you can explictly specify a date and time for each video or you can set publish policy and daily public count,for example,daily count is 4,you got 5 videos,then first 4 will be published 1 day after the upload date ,the other 1 will be 2 days after the upload date

4. fix google account verify

5. seleniumwire


  1. https://github.com/ContentAutomation/YouTubeUploader
  2. https://github.com/offish/opplast

配置文件说明 publishpolicy:1 表示上传以后立即公开 0 表示上传以后保持私享 2表示结合每天发布数量和视频文件夹中的数量 从上传当日起开始定时公开