
A makeshift loader to parse a importmap and hook the details into nodejs loader to support import-maps.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node ImportMap HTTP Loader

Experimental node loader built on top of jspm utils to resolve deps from remote in nodejs


When executing

node --loader ./loader.js test.js

The following will be output

 loader git:(main) node --loader ./loader.js test.js
(node:12944) ExperimentalWarning: --experimental-loader is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    usingClientEntryPoint: false,
    Events: [
      [Function: getInstanceFromNode],
      [Function: getNodeFromInstance],
      [Function: getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode],
      [Function: enqueueStateRestore],
      [Function: restoreStateIfNeeded],
      [Function: batchedUpdates$1]
  createPortal: [Function: createPortal$1],
  createRoot: [Function: createRoot$1],
  findDOMNode: [Function: findDOMNode],
  flushSync: [Function: flushSync$1],
  hydrate: [Function: hydrate],
  hydrateRoot: [Function: hydrateRoot$1],
  render: [Function: render],
  unmountComponentAtNode: [Function: unmountComponentAtNode],
  unstable_batchedUpdates: [Function: batchedUpdates$1],
  unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer: [Function: renderSubtreeIntoContainer],
  version: '18.2.0'

Size Benefits

One very significant upside of using deps using the loader and import-map. The dependencies from test.js loads

du -sh -I @jspm -I fs-extra -I node-fetch node_modules
50M    node_modules
du -sh .cache
3.6M    .cache

Local Development

Try it yourself


git clone git@github.com:jspm/node-importmap-http-loader.git

Then via devcontainers, launch the container by clicking the devcontainer button or via the command palette.

To setup devcontainers

  1. Launch vscode or your favorite devcontainers enabled editor
  2. Install Remote Containers extension
  3. Launch the container by clicking the devcontainer button or via the command palette

Unrecommended and supported for issues, etc:

git clone git@github.com:jspm/node-importmap-http-loader.git
nvm i && npm i