Layout works when window is resized, otherwise sometimes it doesn't
siaw23-retired opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi @aullman,
I got the library to work but run into this problem where sometimes when I enter the page with video, the video appears smaller on the top-left part of the window, only upon resizing the window that the video element fills up the screen. Why's that?
These are the options I'm using:
let opts = {
maxRatio: 3 / 2,
minRatio: 9 / 16,
fixedRatio: false,
scaleLastRow: true,
maxWidth: Infinity, // The maximum width of the elements
maxHeight: Infinity, // The maximum height of the elements
smallMaxWidth: Infinity, // The maximum width of the small elements
smallMaxHeight: Infinity, // The maximum height of the small elements
bigMaxWidth: Infinity, // The maximum width of the big elements
bigMaxHeight: Infinity,
alignItems: 'center',
bigClass: 'OT_big',
bigPercentage: 0.8,
bigFixedRatio: false,
bigMaxRatio: 3 / 2,
bigMinRatio: 9 / 16,
bigFirst: true,
animate: true
This is how I'm calling "layout". With this I expect that when the page opens with a video it fills the screen immediately.
let layoutContainer = document.getElementById("layout");
let layout = initLayoutContainer(layoutContainer, opts).layout;
var resizeTimeout;
window.onresize = function() {
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 20);
Also, I see classes like "OT_bar OT_edge-bar-item OT_mode-auto" in the demo app where are they coming from? And why don't I see the "ot-layout" class that the library is supposed to add?
@siaw23 The classes OT_bar OT_edge-bar-item OT_mode-auto all come from OpenTok itself. You can ignore default UI or specific aspects of it when you subscribe to or publish the stream:
You will also need to call layout again every time a new participant is added to the room and you subscribe to them.