Layout Manager for OpenTok - automatically lays out your Publishers and Subscribers nicely
- 0
Feature request: add ability to update container dimensions on the fly when using getLayout
#141 opened by maikthomas - 0
deprecated actions
#133 opened by davedoesdev - 1
- 1
- 0
OpenTok Layour Example with Open tok
#119 opened by Grapdevs - 0
How i can put the addEventListener( 'dblclick',.. on other subscriber streams with opentok
#117 opened by anaselatiq - 1
Small items are right aligned
#105 opened by Nureckiy - 1
scaleLastRow: false still scales the last row
#101 opened by GentryRiggen - 2
Small items are smaller than they could be.
#113 opened by StagasaurusRex - 5
- 1
The "Mute" button flies up when adding a stream
#100 opened by Nureckiy - 2
- 1
- 0
- 6
Integrate with opentok-react
#52 opened by sfmendes91 - 0
Layout Doesn't Work
#98 opened by siaw23-retired - 1
Layout Doesn't Work
#89 opened by siaw23-retired - 1
- 0
Padding, Border, and Margin not taken into account due to camelCase CSS property names
#90 opened by maikthomas - 0
Integration with React Opentok
#78 opened by JuanGoezDev - 2
How do we add a an option like "OT_big" on an other class other than subscribers and publishers?
#76 opened by meljason - 0
feature-request: typescript definitions
#74 opened by maikthomas - 1
How do i implement in angular 8 ?
#66 opened by dVp007 - 1
Big class?
#65 opened by Jaspur - 3
- 1
stack small items below
#62 opened by ross-ewing - 2
opentok-react styling and demo functionality
#61 opened by RTay385 - 1
fixed layout
#58 opened by haricet - 1
Fixed ratio for only one video
#57 opened by saschametz - 1
Example without OpenTok
#53 opened by drale2k - 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
subscriber.destroy() depreciated
#55 opened by marcmetz - 1
Top align elements
#36 opened by slpn1 - 1
- 5
use purpose-built animation library
#16 opened by aoberoi - 2
- 2
Layout not loading consistently
#32 opened by acellam - 4
Breaking other libraries with exports object
#30 opened by simonasdev - 1
- 3
- 1
Broken in node
#26 opened by aullman - 7
Remove console messages
#25 opened by bharathsekar - 1
npm install fails
#24 opened by sedenardi - 1
TokBox video not resizing on Firefox?
#19 opened by lgorse - 1
Doesn't work without jQuery anymore
#21 opened by aullman - 2
Resizing Subscriber Streams
#20 opened by lgorse - 1
Problems with existing versions of jQuery
#18 opened by michplunkett - 1
Demo has stopped working
#17 opened by aullman