Visual Search Framework
- Add visual search to your app.
- Real time image matching (50-100 images per pool).
- Insert images from local resources: works offline!
- Insert images from URL.
- White Label.
- QR code scan support.
- Scan up to 4 QR / bar codes at a time.
- Define you matching areas: Regions of Interest.
- Match images and QR codes simultaneously
- arm64 support
- Swift support
- BITCODE enabled
- Compabitle with XCode8, Swift 3 and iOS 10
NEW: Motion Recognition
- Define virtual buttons (regions of interest) to detect motion
********************** Request an API Key ********************** To use the framework you will need an API Key. To request it, just send an email to with the following details: * Bundle Id of the application where you want to use the framework. * Name and description of the app where you want to use the framework. * Your ( or your company ) name.
********************** Documentation ********************** [Wiki](
****************** API ****************** [](
****************** iOS Version ****************** 6.0+
************************* VS Framework version ************************* vsPlugin 1.03 vsMotion 0.5
****************** Devices tested ****************** iPhone 4
iPhone 4s
iPhone 5
iPhone 5s
iPhone 6
iPhone 6+
iPad 2,3,4
iPad Air
iPad mini 1, 2, 3
****************** License ****************** [LICENSE](
****************** Bugs ****************** [Issues & Requests](