
Laravel cli toolkit package

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Lara-Arch CLI Toolkit Package

The Lara-Arch CLI Toolkit Package is a comprehensive collection of tools and components designed to enhance your Laravel application's command-line interface (CLI) capabilities. This package offers a set of features to streamline development, improve code organization, and optimize command-line interactions.

  • DTO
  • Service
  • Trait
  • Enum
  • Repository


Install the Lara-Arch CLI Toolkit Package using Composer:

composer require aungmyokyaw/lara-arch


DTO CLI Generator

Create Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) effortlessly using the DTO CLI generator. Design DTOs to encapsulate data and improve data integrity between different parts of your application.

php artisan make:dto [Filename]

Service CLI Generator

Generate service classes using the Service CLI generator. Services are vital for encapsulating business logic and promoting a clean separation of concerns within your application.

php artisan make:service [Filename]

Trait CLI Generator

Design and generate reusable traits using the Trait CLI generator. Traits enable you to encapsulate common functionality that can be shared across multiple classes.

php artisan make:trit [Filename]

Enum CLI Generator

Simplify the creation of enumerations (enums) in your Laravel application using the Enum CLI generator. Define custom enum types with ease and have them automatically generated with the appropriate values and methods.

php artisan make:enum [Filename]

Enum Helper

  • enum_from_key($enumCases, $key)
  • enum_from_value($enumCases, $value)

This two Enum helper functions for working with enums in your Laravel application. Here's a sample usage of the two helper functions.

enum Status : int {
    case Pending = 0;
    case Approved = 1;

enum_from_key($enumCases, $key)

enum_from_key(Status::cases(),'Approved') // output = 1

enum_from_value($enumCases, $value)

enum_from_value(Status::cases(),0) // output = "Pending"

Repository CLI Generator

Efficiently generate repository classes using the Repository CLI generator. Implement the repository pattern to abstract database operations and promote clean architecture. This repository comes with pre-built CRUD operations that can be used directly or customized as needed.

php artisan make:repository [Filename] --model=[ModelName]

Here's a sample usage of the repository for CRUD operations.

php artisan make:repository UserRepository --model=User

This will create a repository file named UserRepository.php within the app/repositories directory.

namespace App\Repositories;

use Amk\LaraArch\BaseRepository;
use App\Models\User;

class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {
    public function getModel(){
        return User::class;

Example usage for CRUD :

$userRepository = new UserRepository();

// Create a new user
$userRepository->create(['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => 'john@example.com']);

// Find a user by ID

// Update a user's information
$userRepository->update(1, ['name' => 'Updated Name']);

// Delete a user

// Retrieve all users
$users = $userRepository->all();

// Retrieve all users with paginate
$users = $userRepository->paginate(10);

// Retrieve users using where query
$users = $userRepository->all(['email' => 'john@example.com']);