
This repository contains notes taken for the lattwae space lectures

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Dev for Youth

Tue, Thurs (10am to 11:30am)
90 mins
35 mins, 10 mins
35 mins, 10 mins
Fixed group members in breakout room



  • Seperate group members
  • Facebook group
  • Pre-record videos of Download resources (VS code)
  • Google Classroom (Pure study resource)
Week Topic Trainer
1 Introduction to Programming and Web Aung Paing
1 Github Aung Paing
2 HTML Nyein Chan Aung
2 HTML / CSS Nyein Chan Aung / Aung Paing
3 CSS Aung Paing
3 Project 1. Portfolio and Github page hosting Aung Paing
4 Javascript : Intro to JS, Data Types and Condition Khant
4 Javascript : Loop and Array Khant
5 Javascript : Function, Class and Object Khant
5 Project 2. BMI calculator Khant
6 Project 3. Calculator Nyein Chan Aung
6 Project 4. Todo List Aung Paing