
Docker container for Kinetis Design Studio

Primary LanguageShell

Docker container for Kinetis Design Studio


Use the following command to build a KDS project:

docker run \
    --user=`id -u`:`id -g` \
    --rm \
    -i \
    -v <solutiondir>:/data \
    aunsbjerg/docker-kinetis-design-studio \
    kds <projectdir> <project>

Where <solutiondir> is the folder containing the project to build. <projectdir> refers to the folder containing the actual project and <project> is the name and configuration of the project, ie. name/debug.

It may be necessary to mount the passwd and group folder from the host system. This is only if there is a permission issue when building projects with the docker container. To mount the folders, add these flags to the run call:

-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
-v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro

Building base image

The kinetis design studio .deb file must be supplied with the docker build command, since I'm too lazy/stupid to automate the download from nxp's website.

A docker build could look like this:

docker build \
    --squash \
    --build-arg KDS_NAME=<kds.deb> \
    --build-arg KDS_DIR=<install-dir> \
    -t <imagename> \