
My blog and boilerplate for new web projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Where I use my writings, notes, and thoughts in a variety of forms and categories. One of the most important projects on my domain.

Also hosted at hivoltage.xyz.

This is a Next.js project


  • components - React components used by pages and other components
  • contexts - React contexts used by pages and, optionally, components
  • global-fonts - Font files to be imported into prebuilt CSS (see styles/index.css font imports and tailwind.config.js fontFamily value)
  • hooks - React hooks used by pages and components
  • pages - Next.js pages
  • public - Public, static files to be used by components, pages, or external domains
  • styles - CSS file(s) that are built with Tailwind and made available to all of the project's pages
  • utils - Code that can be reused but can't be accurately described by the other folders