
Missing Zend Framework & related libs functonality

Primary LanguagePHP

ZendA - is ZendAddons library which completes missing Zend Framework functionality.

Version: 0.4.4


  1. Through http://getcomposer.org. In your composer.json file add:

    "aur1mas/zend-a": "dev-master"

1.1 Update your Composer libs

php composer.phar update
  1. In your application.ini file add:

    autoloaderNamespaces[] = "ZendA"

  2. And in your Bootstrap.php file:

    $view->addHelperPath('ZendA/View/Helper/', 'ZendA_View_Helper');


To run tests you must add Zend directory. I do this by adding symbolic link for example:

ln -s /Users/user/Sites/htdocs/Zend/Current/ Zend


Use github.com issue tracker to report problems & feature requests. All pull requests must be covered by tests.