
To be able to build a Decentralised application over React Native, feel free to contribute. It's open for Hacktoberfest 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building React Native app using drizzle

Packages Required

- truffle
- ganache-cli
- react-native
- react
- @drizzle/store

Project Structure

 ├── android
 ├── contracts
 ├── ios
 ├── migrations
 ├── gitignore
 ├── test
 ├── App.js
 ├── app.json
 ├── index.js
 ├── shims.js
 ├── global.js
 ├── rn-cli.config.js
 ├── package.json
 ├── truffle-config.js
 ├── truffle.js
 └── yarn.lock

Steps to follow

- run npm install or yarn install
- install truffle and ganache-cli
- set ANDROID_HOME in path properly
- Start ganache-cli: ganache-cli -b 3
- Compile and migrate contracts: truffle compile && truffle migrate
- Reverse ports: adb reverse tcp:8545 tcp:8545
- react-native start
- Install app: react-native run-android ( on different terminal )