
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Video conferencing app

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


The application is organized into the following directories and files:

  • .next/: The default build directory for Next.js.
  • .vercel/: Configuration and source files for Vercel deployments.
  • node_modules/: Contains all the npm packages that the project depends on.
  • public/: Static files like images that can be accessed directly.
  • src/: Source code of the application.

Within the src directory:

  • components/: Reusable UI components.

    • chat.js: The chat interface component.
    • navbar.js: The navigation bar component.
  • hooks/: Custom React hooks.

    • useSocket.js: Hook for WebSocket connections.
  • pages/: The pages of the Next.js app.

    • api/: Backend API routes.
      • socket.js: WebSocket event handlers.
    • meet/: Directory for chat meet pages.
      • [id].js: Dynamic route for individual chat meets.
    • _app.js: The custom App component.
    • _document.js: The custom Document component.
    • index.js: The homepage of the application.
  • store/: State management using hooks or any other state management library.

    • useMessage.js: State management for messages.
  • styles/: CSS files for styling the application.

  • utils/: Utility functions and constants.

    • constants.js: Defines constants used across the application.


To set up the project for development:

npm i
# or
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev