
A Node + React template app with e.g. google authentication and SQL migrations

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nothing Burger

This is a template Node.js Web application which has the following things configured and working out of the box:

  • Database (PostgreSQL) migrations which will be checked, and run if necessary every time the server starts
  • Google authentication and access control to resources which should not be public
  • Basic React build with webpack
  • Client-side routing without hashes (two example routes are provided)

Installing prerequisites and running the server

Install Node

You can get Node.js here.

Install yarn

Yarn is a replacement for Node Package Manager (npm). This project probably works with npm as well, but hasn't been tested. Insructions on how to install Yarn for different platforms

Install and PostgreSQL

You can download it from here. I won't cover the installation procedure here, but if you happen to run Docker on your computer, I'll guide you through a simpler way to get the DB running:

  • Create a .env file in the project root, and add the following contents to it:

We use dotenv for configuration, and the above creates the DB configuration for us. Now we'll have to fetch and start the PostgreSQL Docker image:

docker run --name nothing-burger -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=nothing-burger -e POSTGRES_USER=nb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=nb -d postgres:10.2

(on Linux you have to prefix the command with sudo)

If the command is successful, you should have a Docker container running the database. You can check that it's running with:

docker ps

You will also need the PostgreSQL command-line client psql which comes with the PostgreSQL download, or e.g. Homebrew package on Mac. The client [can also be run from the Docker container] (https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/) but looks a bit more complicated than.

Create Google Login client ID and secret key

To use Google login for your application, you will have to create a project in Google Cloud Console (log in with your gmail address).

Just give the project any name you want, then choose Credentials -> Create credentials -> Oauth Client ID Choose this type of the application: "Web application", and give it a name again.

Now the important part, enter this to Authorized JavaScript origins:


And this to Authorized redirect URIs:


You can later add the real URI of your application to the above configuration options here when it's running on a "real" server accessible from anywhere.

After these steps, you get a client ID and client secret. Configure these two in the .env file:

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<The client ID you got>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<The client secret you got>

You'll also have to enable Google+ API for the project. Navigate to Google+ API in the menu or Go to this address: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/plus.googleapis.com/overview?project=<YOUR PROJECT NAME>

And click the enable Google+ API -button.

Add a user to the database

In order to log in to your system, it has to know about you. Add a desired user by logging into PostgreSQL:

psql -d nothing-burger -h localhost -U nb -p 5432

And inserting the desired user:

INSERT INTO user_account (login, name) VALUES ('some.real.google.account@gmail.com', 'John Doe')

Run the server

Run commands:

yarn install
yarn watch

and wait until you see database initialization messages, webpack build output and: server listening on port 8080. After those you can go to the following address in your browser:


And the login screen should appear. You should log in with the user you inserted into the database.


Migrations are located under server/migration/migrations. They use db-migrate library and are run on Node server startup. There are two existing migrations which create a table for user accounts and sessions. These both use plain SQL (the relevant part is in sqls/XX-up.sql). The db-migrate library allows the migrations to also be written in JavaScript, and although the existing migrations are implemented with SQL, the JavaScript boilerplate is still there.

To create a new empty migration file, run:

yarn run create-migration

Note: the server watch should be shut down when a new migration is created, otherwise it runs the empty migration when it restarts and considers it executed. If this happens accidentally, just remove the row from migrations table.

Google authentication

Google login functionality is implemented with Passport. The glue code required to implement authentication and limit access to resources is in the modules under server/auth.

Client-side routing

The routing uses route-parser for defining the route paths and parameters. The routes do not use hash (#). Instead, going to view1 with a parameter x looks like this:


Avoiding hashes allows the server to see the route paths as well when they are first loaded. This means that if you have not yet logged in, the server can redirect you back to view1/x after google authentication. The downside is that the server also has to know in a finer grained way which routes are for the client. That is why server/server.js has these rows:

const clientAppHtml = (req, res) => res.sendFile(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../dist/index.html`))
app.use('/view1*', clientAppHtml)
app.use('/view2*', clientAppHtml)

You will have to define all "main client routes" like that on the server side or you can skip the hassle by prefixing all client routes with something like this:

app.use('/ui*', clientAppHtml)

The router avoids full page reloads by using browser history API after the client-side web application is first loaded.

The router code is in webapp/router.js and a few example routes are in webapp/routes.js.


The main page web-resources/index.html (and login page) includes styles from Spectre.css just because they are nicer than browser defaults. But they are not deeply coupled into this template application in any way, you can just throw them away and define your own.