
Web app for keeping VW ID cars' air conditioning/heating on for a certain period of time

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Template for TypeScript Vite client and Node Server

Run Vite dev client

cd client
npx vite

Build client and test "in place":

cd client
npm run build
cd dist && python3 -m http.server 8081

Run server

cd server
npx nodemon

Database (PostgreSQL)

Here is an example which uses Docker to run the DB locally:

  • Create a .env file in the project root, and add the following contents to it:

We use dotenv for configuration, and the above creates the DB configuration for us. Now we'll have to fetch and start the PostgreSQL Docker image:

podman run --name nothing-burger2-db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=nb2 -e POSTGRES_USER=nb2 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=nb2 -d postgres:15.1

(on Linux you have to prefix the command with sudo)

To access the database directly, first install the postgresql client. For example on Mac:

brew install postgresql@15
psql -d nb2 -h localhost -U nb2 -p 5432