
Add query item to the list does not work

jackdeguest opened this issue · 5 comments

Thank you for providing this class, very useful indeed!
The following advertised on the front page of this project does not work:

// add a new query element called 'zim' with a value of 'gir'
$url->query->zim = 'gir';

When issuing $url->getFull() it produces only:

Here is the full test file used.

Thank you for taking your time playing with the package and reporting this. Apologize for the delay not replying back fast. Didn't got any notification.

I think, we missed to write some test for this at :

Regarding ArrayObject for the current time you could use something as below .

$url->query['zim'] = 'gir';
$url->query->offsetSet('zim', 'gir');

I have made a fix for this on #29 . But before it is merged it needs tests.

Something is slipping. Tests looks failing at my end :( . I will look into this tomorrow.

This is fixed in #30 . If you are using composer, you can test this via using

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    require {
        "aura/uri": "dev-patch-issue-28 as 1.2.1"


This is fixed and merged.

If you could test and report back, I will consider tagging another release.