
In 2023 can you really call yourself a full-stack developer if you are not an influencer?

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LinkedIn Maven Plugin

Maven plugin for posting your build state to LinkedIn.

In 2023 can you really call yourself a full-stack developer if you are not an influencer?


  1. Add the plugin to your pom.xml and configure the phases in which the plugin runs. In the following example, the plugin will post a LinkedIn message after compilation and again after tests (if they pass):
                <message>Today my code compiles...</message>
                <message>...and it even passes all tests!</message>
  1. The configuration element supports the following parameters:
  • linkedinAccessToken: your LinkedIn access token. You can obtain one by creating an app on LinkedIn developers and then authenticating yourself into it with Oauth2
  • linkedinUserId: your LinkedIn user ID. You can obtain it by following this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69304538/4921205
  • message: the message to post to LinkedIn

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