
A Node wrapper for MyWaifuList

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Node wrapper for MyWaifuList.


npm i @void206551/mwl-api --save  


const MWL = require('@void206551/mwl-api')  
const Waifu = new MWL("Your API Key")  
// Logs the daily waifu  



  • getWaifu(slugOrId) → Gets the information about a waifu
  • getWaifuImages(slugOrId) → Returns up to 10 images of a waifu
  • getWaifuByPage(letter, page) → Gets a list of waifus from a given letter and page
  • dailyWaifu() → Returns the daily waifu
  • randomWaifu() → Returns a random waifu

Currently Season

  • getAiring() → Gets all the currently airing shows
  • getBestWaifus() → Gets all the best waifus from this season
  • getPopularWaifus() → Gets the most popular waifus from this season
  • getTrashWaifus() → Gets the most trashed waifus form this season


  • getSeries(slurOrId) → Gets information about a series
  • getSeriesByPage(letter) → Gets a list of series from a certain letter
  • getSeriesBySeason(season, year) → Gets a list of series that aired during a certin season of a year
    • season: spring, summer, fall, winter
  • getSeriesWaifus(slugOrId) → Gets the waifus from a certain series from a slur or ID


  • getUser(userId) → Gets the information from a user
  • getUserWaifus(userId, type) → Gets the waifus from a user
    • type: trash, like, created
  • getUserLists(userId) → Gets the lists a user has
  • getUserList(userId, listId) → Gets the data from a list


  • search(string) → Search a string
  • searchBeta(string) → Search a string (Better results)
  • searchWaifu(name) → Search a waifu name
  • searchSeries(name) → Search a series name