
Base environament to work with Angra's projects from City Connect.

Primary LanguagePHP

Base Application

OBS.: If in your conf docker compose command is used as "docker-compose", please, make adjustments in code before continue. This project default is "docker compose".


Laravel Version: 9.52.9

PHP Version: 8.1.20 - Dependency

Composer Version: 2.5.8 - Dependency

Initial steps

Clone repository

git clone git@github.com:aureanemoraes/angra-env.git

Enter folder

cd angra-env/projects/authservice

Get .env

cp .env.example .env

Before run docker compose, configure host file

On linux

Add on /etc/hosts authservice.desenv

On windows or WSL2

Add on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts authservice.desenv

Run docker compose

cd ../../ && docker compose up -d

Init commands with make

cd projects/authservice && make init



Must show default welcome laravel

Adding new project to nginx configuration

If you create a new project on projects folder, it will be shared with phpfpm and nginx container, but some steps are necessary to nginx work with this new project

Configuring conf file

  1. Make a copy of site.conf.example in nginx .docker/opt/docker/etc/nginx directory and rename with your server name


cp site.conf.example myproject.conf

  1. Change the server_name value to the name you want

  2. Change the project_folder in root value to the name of your project directory

  3. After that, you must set the server_name of you application into your /etc/hosts file. This step is showed above.