OBS.: If in your conf docker compose command is used as "docker-compose", please, make adjustments in code before continue. This project default is "docker compose".
Laravel Version: 9.52.9
PHP Version: 8.1.20 - Dependency
Composer Version: 2.5.8 - Dependency
git clone git@github.com:aureanemoraes/angra-env.git
cd angra-env/projects/authservice
cp .env.example .env
Add on /etc/hosts authservice.desenv
Add on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts authservice.desenv
cd ../../ && docker compose up -d
cd projects/authservice && make init
Must show default welcome laravel
If you create a new project on projects folder, it will be shared with phpfpm and nginx container, but some steps are necessary to nginx work with this new project
- Make a copy of site.conf.example in nginx .docker/opt/docker/etc/nginx directory and rename with your server name
cp site.conf.example myproject.conf
Change the server_name value to the name you want
Change the project_folder in root value to the name of your project directory
After that, you must set the server_name of you application into your /etc/hosts file. This step is showed above.