Hull Slack Connector

Sends Hull Events and Activity to Slack. Lets you search in Hull from there.

If you want your own instance: Deploy

Using :

See Readme here

Developement setup :

git clone
cd hull-slack
npm run ngrok # Serves connector on `` - See `package.json` 
npm run start:dev # starts in development mode
npm run build # builds the app
npm run test # runs tests

Logged events

Here are the events that the Slack connector tracks

  • outgoing.user.error - Error trying to post the user to slack
  • outgoing.user.success - User was correctly posted to a channel or member
  • outgoing.user.reply - Bot replied to a user request
  • - Bot failed to search for a user that was requested
  • user.fetch.success - Bot found a user that was requested
  • bot.error - An uncaught error happened.
  • bot.reply - Bot replied to a user message
  • bot.hear - Bot was mentioned and noticed it.
  • bot detected a click on a Slack button and will reply
  • bot.interactiveMessage.error - Bot failed fetching events for a user following a click on Display Events
  • bot.interactiveMessage.error - Bot failed to update an interactive message (you update them by clicking the buttons in the User profile's footer)
  • bot.setup.start - Bot starting setup of the channels it needs
  • bot.setup.error - Bot failed to setup the channels it needs

Environment variables

CLIENT_ID=:"Slack Key"
CLIENT_SECRET="Slack Secret"
SECRET="A randomly created secret. Make it long and complex"

Don't forget to setup your Slack dev app to allow callback URLs to your local instance as described in the redirect_uri section of Slack OAuth Docs