LinkedIn scraper

How to use it

Install dependencies

npm install
# or


session cookie below corresponds to the LinkedIn authentication cookie named li_at. You can easily find it in the Application > Storage > Cookies tab of your Chrome devtool.

The process of scraping is splitted in two steps (scrap usernames list, scrap users info).

Get the LinkedIn profile usernames list that should be scraped

node ./scrape-profile-usernames.js <session cookie>

This script will retrieve usernames list from the URL.


node ./scrape-profile-usernames-search.js <session cookie> <search url>

This script will retrieve usernames list from a personalized search URL

Both scripts will store their result in a profile-usernames.json file.

Get information of each profile

node ./scrape-profiles.js <session cookie>

This script will read the profile-usernames.json file and scrap one by one each user profile to retrieve their info. It will scrap profiles by bucket of 100 items and append the result in a profiles.json file.

Due to LinkedIn rate limiting on the number of profiles seen by day, this script must be launch at spaced times.