- 5
- 20
i18n on custom elements with @bindable does not work with html attributes
#123 opened by DerAlbertCom - 8
IOS Plugin Loading
#69 opened by thesmallbang - 10
Webpack: extract translation example
#127 opened by ngocvantran - 14
- 12
Problem with importing/compiling i18n and Backend in skeleton project
#136 opened by don-bluelinegrid - 11
Intl.js 404 Not Found
#61 opened by tkallevik - 15
Fail to load in Safari
#135 opened by hadrienl - 9
t-params.bind is not working
#104 opened by andrewMuntyan - 16
Using t binding behaviour inside view attached with <compose /> produces i18next::translator: missingKey warnings
#107 opened by valichek - 5
RelativeTime is using wrong fallbackLng field
#125 opened by OzgurDogan - 11
- 14
- 3
t-params disapears
#116 opened by hadrienl - 4
Enhancement: Load namespaces dynamically upon page activation using a decorator
#134 opened by AdamWillden - 2
- 8
- 4
t[append/prepend] problem
#111 opened by atticushome - 21
i18next-xhr-backend with typescript bug
#103 opened by olehleskiv - 6
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'new this.Intl.DateTimeFormat')
#76 opened by mbenedyk - 3
Position of t-params.bind in HTML code
#65 opened by steamonimo - 3
Don't depend on Intl polyfill in bower
#120 opened by jods4 - 5
ReferenceError: _classCallCheck is not defined
#119 opened by valichek - 1
HTML attributes with namespace
#118 opened by lcustodio - 3
- 6
BackendConnector.js:79 Uncaught TypeError: namespaces.forEach is not a function
#102 opened by Tseberechts - 1
#108 opened by flieks - 9
Using typescript-webpack
#89 opened by mttmccb - 12
- 5
- 8
Shared DateTimeFormat
#100 opened by AdamWillden - 2
issue with typescript compliling
#78 opened by geea-develop - 1
Wrong import from i18next-xhr-backend in docs?
#99 opened by suneelv - 6
Configuration of Backend with IIS Application
#88 opened by crabulik - 12
- 1
- 4
how to wait for translation load?
#93 opened by Leonidnei - 14
Namespace issues
#85 opened by Souldrinker - 7
setLocale will attempt to also load translation.json when custom namespaces have been configured
#80 opened by art0rz - 10
npm install aurelia-i18n fails
#81 opened by sylvain-hamel - 13
Error looking up github:i18next/i18next@^1.9.0.
#71 opened by suneelv - 4
- 2
using namespaces
#82 opened by alexsurg - 1
Failing to bundle [workaround]
#72 opened - 37
Intl and i18next not found doing jspm update
#64 opened by salminio - 2
- 8
development/testing setup problem
#68 opened by k2s - 1
README link "i18next features" is dead
#73 opened by RomkeVdMeulen - 26
Intl and i18next lookup issue with JSPM > 0.16.15
#66 opened by k2s - 1
Error installing current update 0.4.7
#63 opened by cdennig