The NodeJS-based implementation of Aurelia's platform abstraction layer.
- 1
🙏 Update dependencies and release the version
#52 opened by glyad - 2
Not writable "undefined" property with jsdom 19
#50 opened by strepon - 3
Security issue in jsdom dependency
#46 opened by jfstephe - 3
- 1
Support ShadowDOM
#13 opened by MeirionHughes - 11
SVGElement is not properly polyfilled
#17 opened by niieani - 12
JSDOM private _core api is not available anymore
#24 opened by zewa666 - 2
- 11
Integration Testing
#11 opened by MeirionHughes - 2
Basic usage
#21 opened by ggrimbert - 0
Trigger Mutation Search only on change.
#14 opened by MeirionHughes - 20
#1 opened by MeirionHughes - 0
nodejs process doesn't terminate
#12 opened by MeirionHughes - 3
Enable GitHub Testing
#8 opened by MeirionHughes