bom•bi•nate (bŏmˈbĭ-nātˌ) v. To buzz; hum
bombinate was word of the day on 7th of Dec on
This project is a playground where I attempt to improve my skills with Clojure/ClojureScript using experimental learing.
There are some notes on the process.
- implement workflow
- note about vim
- write short note about garden / figwheel integration
- github oauth to log me in
- deploy to heroku (alternatives?)
- note about lein/boot
- compile .md notes to resources/public/notes/.html
- user goes to home page.
- show not authenticated message and option to click to redirect to github oauth.
- performs authentication on github.
- redirect to app.
- fetch stars.
- ?!?
- Rapture / Profit $$$
- logout.
To start the app in development environment run:
boot dev
In another terminal, connect to repl:
boot repl -c
Copyright © 2015,2016 aurelian oancea
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.