
Expose Aho-Corasick implementation from Strmat to Ruby.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

This is a work in progress.


This library is a Ruby extension, a wrapper around the Aho-Corasick implementation in C, found in Strmat package.

The source code (ac.c and ac.h) was “adapted” from Strmat. In fact, I’ve changed only 3-4 lines of code from the original implementation so it will feat my needs: search needed to return the current position in the searched string.

Okay, so what’s the idea?

Having a dictionary of known sentences (note: not words!), this kick ass algorithm can find individual patterns in an incoming stream of data. Kinda Fast.

The algorithm has 2 stages: one where an internal tree in being build from the given dictionary leaving the search to the second step.

Okay, so where can I use this?

Well, you can do some crazy things with it, like, you can lookup for DNA patterns or maybe analyze network sequences (read: strange and maybe proprietary network protocols), or domestic stuff like building contextual links on your blog posts to enrich your users experience.

Okay, so how can I install it?

Rubygems – Development Version

gem install aurelian-ruby-ahocorasick --source=http://gems.github.com

Build it from source

$ git clone git://github.com/aurelian/ruby-ahocorasick.git
$ cd ruby-ahocorasick

To build and install the gem on your machine (run with sudo if needed):

$ rake install

rake -T will list other cool tasks.

Rubygems – Stable Version

Get version 0.4.5 (released on 19 November 2008) from rubyforge :

$ gem install ruby-ahocorasick


It’s known to work / compile / install on Ubuntu 8.04 and Mac OS 10.4.*. It should work out of the box if you have gcc.
Unfortunately I don’t have a Windows PC around nor required knowledge about Microsoft compliers.

Okay, so how do I use it?

  require 'ahocorasick'

  keyword_tree= AhoCorasick::KeywordTree.new # creates a new tree
  keyword_tree.add_string( "foo-- Z@!bar" ) # add's a keyword to the tree
  keyword_tree.add_string( "cervantes" )    # even more

  results= keyword_tree.find_all( "1011000129 foo-- Z@!bar761 ! 001211 6xU" ).each do | result |
    result[:value]     # => "foo-- Z@!bar"
    result[:starts_at] # => 11
    result[:ends_at]   # => 23
    result[:id]        # => 1

You can get some API reference on the wiki.

Bugs? Suggestions? Ideas? Patches?

For now, just use the email address.

Additional Reading

Other suffix – tree implementations:


© 2008 – Aurelian Oancea, < oancea at gmail dot com >

released under MIT-LICENCE