
Run any c# app within a Docker container

Primary LanguageDockerfile

C# Docker projects container


the following project allows to run C# applications on a Docker container with the proper ecosystem. Dotnet or whatever other dependency will not to be installed on your host since you're going to develop inside the container.


Within your Dockfile you can find the set-up for your container. Basically it will install the .NET Core SDK. You can change the version but make sure you install at least version 2.2. It is based on Debian 9 (stretch) for more info just click here. The name of the Docker service is c-sharp.

First of all copy the docker-compose-override template:

$ cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml

and update docker-compose.override.yml:

  • ${HOME}/c-sharp-projects should be replaced with the path of the sources of your C# projects.

Once the set-up ready you can directly run the docker-compose build from Visual Studio (please ensure you have the Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension first) by running

$ code . --verbose

It will open Visual Studio then it should automatically detect your devcontainer.json and should propose you to re-open it in a container: remote containers

If not you should be able to do it by running:

F1 > Remote-Containers: Add Development Container Configuration Files
  • pre-install scripts if needed you can customize your Docker environment by adding your custom shell scripts in the ./scripts directory. In that directory you can configure 2 scripts. pre_install.sh which will be ran before any other commands just when the container is ready while post_install.sh will be ran after everything is properly installed.

Code style

The code style is enforced by .editorconfig. Most editor's language servers implement support for it, but you can use the dotnet-format tool to automatically reformat the code around the style. You can install it by running

$ docker-compose exec c-sharp dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format

from Visual studio's terminal of or in a classic terminal (see below) where you are connected to the remote container

$ docker-compose exec c-sharp bash
$ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format


Visual Studio Code is the recommended editor when programming in C#. Recommended extensions for VS Code are defined in .vscode/extensions.json.


This project uses xUnit for unit tests, moq for mocking. To run the tests run

$ cd ~/workspace
$ dotnet test

Run dotnet commands from a classic shell terminal

By default this project will be installed with a container called c-sharp-container. If you use Visual Studio build-in terminal you shouldn't really care about it but if you prefer to use your classic terminal you can do it by running:

$ docker exec -it c-sharp-container dotnet build exercism/hello-world/HelloWorld.csproj
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.1.76+g14b0a930a7 for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Restore completed in 30.02 ms for /workspace/exercism/hello-world/HelloWorld.csproj.
  HelloWorld -> /workspace/exercism/hello-world/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/HelloWorld.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:01.65

Have fun!