__ __ __ ____ ________ ____ / / / /___ ______/ /_____ _____/ __ \____ ___ / ____/ / / _/ / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___/ / / / __ \/ _ \ / / / / / / / __ / /_/ / /__/ ,< / __/ / / /_/ / / / / __/ / /___/ /____/ / /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_/ \____/_/ /_/\___/ \____/_____/___/ A CLI tool to interact with hackerone.com. Installation To install the tool and all necessary dependencies, run the following commands: $ git clone git@github.com:EdOverflow/h1-cli.git $ cd h1-cli $ ./setup.sh Dependencies - bountyplz (https://github.com/fransr/bountyplz) - cURL - jq - GNU grep (OSX users, please read https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/193300.) Contributing I welcome contributions from the public. The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports and feature requests. The bug tracker utilises several labels to help organise and identify issues. Whenever submitting a new issue, please use the GitHub issue search first — check if the issue has already been reported. Make sure to run https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck when you are done editing or create a shell script. This will help maintain clean and uniform code throughout the project. If you would like to submit a patch via email, that is fine too. Just run the following command and send the patch to contact [at] edoverflow [dot] com: $ git format-patch -<n> <SHA1> Donations If you would like to support my work, you can use any of the addresses below: Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/EdOverflow Bitcoin: 1E2fZRNrrkCKPnWpKZAsJzByBoyoBURADN Ethereum: 0xe98FC23fB4A8762d700c0354979dA5Db6c29Acc3 License MIT License — Copyright (c) 2018 EdOverflow
A CLI tool to interact with hackerone.com. This was my submission for HackerOne's Summer 2018 Hack Day.