Caching Proxies Terminal


Caching Proxies Terminal is a Go-based service designed to interface with nearcore for block processing. It accepts HTTP requests to submit data chunks and leverages NATS for efficient message passing and storage. This service is a part of RPC speedup project and particularly useful for data chunks distribution to other NEAR rpc nodes.



  • Go 1.20 or higher
  • Access to a NATS server


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd caching-proxies-terminal
  3. Build the project using the provided Makefile:
    make build


Configuration Options

The service offers several configuration options, which are set using command-line flags:

  • -use-blob-hash (boolean): Determines whether to use blob hash as the unique MsgID instead of combining previous_hash_id and shard_id. Default is false.

    ./caching-proxies-terminal -use-blob-hash=true
  • -server (string): Sets the NATS server URL to connect to.

    ./caching-proxies-terminal -server=[server_address]
  • -shard-prefix (string): Prefix for shard subjects. Messages will be published to shard-prefix.shard_id subject in the NATS.

    ./caching-proxies-terminal -shard-prefix=[prefix]
  • -submissions-verifier-host (string): Sets the submissions verifier host and endpoint. Must be in format of http://host:port/authenticate

    ./caching-proxies-terminal -submissions-verifier-host=[verifier_host]

Running the Service

  • To run with custom NATS context and shard prefix:
    ./caching-proxies-terminal -shard-prefix [prefix] -submissions-verifier-host [verifier_host]
  • Use the -use-blob-hash=true flag for unique MsgID generation based on blob hash.

Interacting with the Service

  • Submit a chunk for processing:
    curl -XPOST -H 'Authentication: Bearer [token]' -d '[data]' 'localhost:1323/process?shard_id=1&previous_hash_id=0x12348'

Submissions verifier — Authentication Service

  • The /process endpoint requires a Bearer token for requests.
  • Upon receiving a request, the service will:
    1. Attempt to authenticate the Bearer token by contacting the Submission Verifier service.
    2. Once authenticated, the "Submission Verifier" will provide a valid NATS JWT token, which will be used by the terminal service.
    3. This NATS JWT token will have an expiration date and will be used to access NATS to store the received chunk in it.