
When I switch from the DRIVER visual angle to the PERSPECTIVE/TOPDOWN visual angle, the screen will have problems

heyu3913 opened this issue · 5 comments

PERSPECTIVE visual angle

TOP DOWN visual angle


Nothing changed

Thank you so much for your reply.
Here are my operation steps:

Step1. The default click to open the page is PERSPECTIVE MODE, the page is shown as below:

Step2. When I switch to TOP-DOWN MODE, the page is shown as below:

Step3. When I switch to DRIVE MODE, the page is shown as below:

Step4. When I switch to PERSPECTIVE -> TOP-DOWN MODE again, the page is shown as below:

My questions as below:

  1. Why the page was different from step2 when i did the step4 switching back to TOP-DOWN MODE?
  2. How can i return to the page of step1 when i am in step3?
  3. I could change the angle of view by my mouse and keyboard when i was in step1 and step2, but I couldn’t do in step3 or step4.

Looking forward to your advice.

I didn't fix it