
MurmurVoiceModule for OpenSim

Primary LanguageC#

Instructions for Building MurmurVoice.dll:

- You will need to copy the contents of the 'addon-modules' and 'bin' folders into the 'addon-modules' and 
'bin' folders respectively in the Aurora source.
- Run prebuild and compile, and it will be built.
- In the Configuration/Modules/Voice.ini, select Murmur voice and set the configs up appropriately.

I had to change the ProvisionVoiceAccountRequest and
ParcelVoiceInfoRequest from what the Vivox voice module
was. This is where you will find the actual connection
details for use in the Mumble client.

This information is tentative, and subject to change.

=== ProvisionVoiceAccountRequest changes ===

What normally appears as:

Has been changed to: (Used for the actual Mumble server)

The password for logging in should be kept as-is.

The account name is created by the following code:
"x" + Convert.ToBase64String(uuid.GetBytes()).Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_');

Therefore to get the UUID:
Remove the first letter x.
Replace all - with +, replace all _ with /
Convert from Base 64 string

There you have a standard 128-bit binary representation of the UUID. But I am NOT
sure what format Linden client requires it in.

=== ParcelVoiceInfoRequest changes ==

What normally appears as:

Has been changed to: