
RubishCourseProject (RCP)

Primary LanguagePython

Plant Seedlings Classification

Plant Seedlings Classification contest on Kaggle Determine the species of a seedling from an image There are 12 classes in total:

Author Student number
邢亚杰 N/A
李瑞麟 N/A
王尧 N/A


file_name collaborator
readme.md 王尧
basemodel.py 邢亚杰
download.sh 李瑞麟
model.py 邢亚杰
PSDataset.py 李瑞麟
submission.py 王尧
train.py 邢亚杰
utils/logger.py 王尧
utils/metrics.py 邢亚杰
utils/progress_bar.py 邢亚杰

Code map

│─ readme.md —— This file
|─ basemodel.py —— Basemodel definition
|─ download.sh —— Dataset download shell script
|─ model.py —— Model definition
|─ PSDataset.py —— Dataset preprocessor
|─ submission.py —— Contest submission script
|─ train.py —— Training script
└─ utils —— Useful tools
   |─ logger.py —— Log printing and saving tool
   |─ metrics.py —— Statistic tool
   └─ progress_bar.py —— Progress bar printing tool
