
An abductive reasoning engine written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



Open-David is OSS version of David, which is a successor to Phillip, the first-order logic abductive reasoner in C++.


System requirement

Open-David works under Linux and Windows (and maybe Mac OS X).
Installing this software, the following softwares / libraries is needed.

  • C++ compiler supporting C++11
  • ILP solver

In the current version, following solvers are available.

Compiling on Linux

  1. Get a clone of Open-David from GitHub.

  2. Configure environment variables for ILP solvers.

    • If you use Gurobi optimizer:

      • Add the path of the include directory of Gurobi optimizer to CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
      • Add the path of the library directory of Gurobi optimizer to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      • If the version of your Gurobi optimizer is not 6.5x, please modify makefile
    • If you use lp_solve 5.5:

      • Add the path of the include directory of lp_solve to CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
      • Add the path of the library directory of lp_solve to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • If you use CBC:

      • Set the path of the directory of CBC to CBC_HOME
    • If you use SCIP:

      • Set the path of the directory of SCIP to SCIP_HOME
  3. Compile Open-David by executing make command in the directory where you cloned Open-David.

    • To specify ILP solvers which you use, set name of the ILP solvers to the variable solver:
      • Gurobi optimizer :: gurobi

      • lp_solve :: lpsolve

      • CBC :: cbc

      • SCIP :: scip

      • For example, if you use Gurobi optimizer and CBC, execute following command:

          $ make solver=gurobi,cbc

Getting Started

Prepare Input

At first, write your observation and knowledge base in David-file format.

For example, let's consider following knowledge base and observation for coreference resolution task.

  • kb.dav

      rule kb2 { steal-vb(x, y) => criminal-jj(x) }
      rule kb1 { criminal-jj(x) => arrest-vb(y, x) }
  • obs.dav

      # "Tom stole jewels. Police arrested him."
      problem obs1 {
          observe { steal-vb(Tom, Jewel) ^ arrest-vb(Police, he) }

tools/david-mode.el provides Emacs mode for David-file format. If you are an Emacs user, this may support you to write input files.


As well as Phillip, Open-David uses the compiled knowledge base on inference. You need to compile your knowledge base at first.

$ bin/david compile -k <KB_PREFIX> [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

For example, the following command compiles rules in kb.dav and generates the compiled KB at compiled/kb.

$ bin/david compile -k compiled/kb kb.dav

Each time you change the knowledge base, you need to compile it.


David takes files of observations as input and outputs the inference results in JSON format.

$ bin/david infer -c <C1>,<C2>,<C3> -k <KB_PREFIX> [OPTIONS] [INPUTS]

-c option specifies how to perform abductive reasoning and -k option specifies the path of the compiled KB. These two options are necessary.

The arguments of -c option (C1, C2 and C3) specifies algorithms to use in each step in inference.

  1. C1 specifies how to generate candidates of hypotheses.

    • naive :: Simple, beadth first search-like algorithm
    • astar :: A* search-like algorithm
  2. C2 specifies how to evaluate the goodness of each candidate.

    • weighted :: Weighted Abduction (Hobbs et al. 1993)
    • etcetera :: Etcetera Abduction (Gordon, 2016)
  3. C3 specifies which solver to use.

    • lpsolve :: lp_solve 5.5
    • gurobi :: Gurobi optimizer
    • cbc :: CBC
    • scip :: SCIP

For example, the following command executes abduction to obs.dav with using Weighted Abduction and Gurobi optimizer.

$ bin/david infer -c naive,weighted,gurobi -k compiled/kb obs.dav

Open-David outputs the inference result as JSON.