
Discussion on specifications and design of a forum for the DAO being created by slock.it


What is Daohub?

A crowd communication and governance platform designed from the ground up specifically for use by an emerging wave of DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations ).

What is a DAO?

DAOs are blockchain based collaborative structures that are ‘automated at the center, humans at the edges’, complete with their own internal capital to allocate as they desire. This internal capital is spent by accepting/declining proposals - immutable, binding contracts - by people, businesses, and organizations (known as service providers) who wish to transact with the DAO.

Purpose of Daohub

Daohub will provide a platform to:

  • Establish and shape a DAOs social and cultural identity, ambitions, and purpose. Facilitate discussion and debate about the general direction of the use of its internal capital.
  • Examine and comb through the details of a service provider’s proposal line by line, complete with annotations that host sub-discussions about the section in question.
  • Allow thought leaders or groups within a DAO to rise and accrue influence organically. Reward meaningful contributions and disincentivize bad/wasteful ones.
  • Provide a mechanism for service providers to meet with and get feedback from the DAO prior to an official proposal - a virtual trade show of sorts. (Just thought about this, might be interesting).

Daohub Governance

Daohub is an open-source organization. Daohub will leverage a close relationship with the slock.it DAO, and build an initial product offering with the needs of the slock.it DAO in mind. In due time, daohub will submit a proposal to the slock.it DAO as a service provider to build the platform for its use. If accepted, the slock.it DAO will fund the development of daohub in return for preferential rates and a % of all future revenue. Daohub will then shop the platform around for use by other DAOs.

Access to Daohub

A DAO’s daohub will only be accessible by using that DAO’s unique token as a key. Members of the general public with no ties to a DAO will not be able to view its daohub.

Each token can only be registered to one user account for the sake of transparency and to encourage full stake disclosure. Thread creators (OPs) can set a minimum stake required to participate in the thread. However, all threads can be viewed by all members.

Daohub Thread & Comment Sorting

Comments in a thread can be sorted by day/week/month and weighted by:

  • Stake
  • Web of trust/reputation
  • Upvote/downvotes
  • Number of replies
  • Controversy

Paying Quality Posters, Spam Control & Discussion Fee Revenue

Creating posts will cost the OP a small amount (1 - 5 cents), but will be enough to disincentivize spam posters. Replying to those threads will cost 1/10 of the OPs fee, creating child comments to these parent replies will cost even less, and upvoting/downvoting will be cheapest of all. The OP will receive the discussion fees from all of the main replies and thread upvotes, and commentators will receive discussion fees from their nested replies.

In this way, comment threads will double as a mechanism to redistribute fees amongst participants. Meaningful contributions will be rewarded financially, creating incentives for high quality discourse and thoughtful discussion. Daohub will take a percentage of all discussion fee revenue as a platform fee (YTBD, but something like 1%), which will be a main source of revenue.

Daohub Moderation

A daohub will most likely require community moderation. To mitigate the possibility of censorship or corruption, membership to the moderating team will be fluid. Members can vote mods in or out seamlessly. The exact method of voting is yet to be decided.

Daohub Censorship Resistance

  • Redundant, decentralized storage of daohub using Storj/IPFS
  • DDOS protection

Other concerns

DAO Splitting

Daohubs will have to reflect their DAOs and be splittable, almost in real time. Large profile splits could be manually adjusted for, but it’s likely we’ll see smaller groups (<12 people) splitting off from the parent DAO to form their own child DAOs and projects. If they have no holdings left in the parent DAO, they cannot be allowed to view it once the split is final. Users who hold tokens on both sides of a split will have access to both hubs.

In the event of a hostile breakup, we may want to include a feature that allows the parent DAO to raise the minimum stake required for viewing the parent daohub past the default 1 token/1 wei for the departing users. You could have scenarios where individuals will leave <1% of their holdings in the parent DAO just to spy. The alternative to this would be re-introducing minimum stake for viewing certain threads, but we came to a consensus that this wasn’t ideal. Thoughts? How do we approach a hostile breakup?

Daohub should also recognize that a new group of tokens has been generated create a forum accordingly. This could get very complicated, very quickly.

Collaborative Creation

This document, and indeed the project itself is being created in a decentralised and collaborative fashion. Please feel free to leave comments here, on the #doa_hub forum slockit.slack.com (you can request an invite at slack.slock.it), or on the google doc linked below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hHX_ftHc1B84yiHpGPToCLFeORaRIVy7mR_Hh1PqSus/edit?usp=sharing

Our next meeting is scheduled for 01 April 2016 20:00 UTC on blab.