
About project:

Implementaion of direct mapped cache with 256 lines and varying words per line (1->16) using python, where each word is of 32 bits size.


To observe and study the change in hit ratio for differing conditions such as number of words per line, number of lines, number of instructions.

In, we are implementing a main memory file with 1000000 entries (since creating a file with 236 entries will become too big; 11.64 GB to be exact). Hence, we whenever we want to access memory beyond 106, we are doing [integer value of memory address]%106.


Contains 106 random entries between 0 and 255.

mem list contains entries of main memory cache list is used to find whether the memory instruction is a hit or a miss cache_data list contains data stored in cache after reading all instructions from input trace files gives an output file output.txt.


tells us whether each instruction is a miss or hit and what and where the data is read/stored, i.e. in cache/memory. Sample screenshot of how to output file would look, can be seen below

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Pre-requisites for running the code:

  1. Keep all files in same directory
  2. Run the code using python3
  3. Run before running

Getting the output:

  1. Run
  2. One shall get two .png files, namely hit_ratio_ni and hit_ratio_wp, saved in the directory
  3. output.txt file, containing details about cache hit/miss is generated in the working directory


hit ratio varying with number of instructions plot (words per line of cache fixed as 16)

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hit ratio varying with number of words per line plot

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Errors and their possible reasons:

  1. discrepancy of data stored in cache and memory

Possible reason:

we believe, that this discrepancy is arising due to us using %106 of address, thus changing the tag and maybe the index of where the data is going to be stored at. The block and byte offset remain unaffected by this change. This doesn't affect cache hit/miss ratio as we have implemented that seperately, without the need of main memory. The only reason as to why we didn't use a main memory of 232 entries, is because it's size is too big (11.64 GB!!) We believe, that if a proper main memory with 236 entires is used (don't forget to remove %106 in, then there will not exist any discrepancy between data used and data stored.

Done by:

1. C P Vikram Adithya

2. Parithimalan A

3. Sriram G