
Notes for Software Engineer Process and Tools RMIT 2019 Sem2

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All Contributors

RMIT Software Engineer Process and Tool Notes

This is the summary of all the notes for Software Engineer Process and Tool contains all of the essential stuff for you to pass the exam

!> The note is missing User Stories and backlogs and Version control, Git, Gitflow. Any helps on contributing these notes would be appreciated.


  1. Search
  2. Quick Notes Note icon- with formatting
  3. Sans Forgetica read Font Icon (for better remembering)
  4. Offline mode - experimenting
  5. Responsiveness on any devices.

How to use it correctly?

  1. Skim through the notes first.
  2. For better remembering, use Sans Forgetica by hovering to the note and select the Font Icon
  3. After remembered, click on the Note Icon to type what you remembered. If you can type the note without looking, then you have mostly remembered it :-).
  4. Remember to self-test the previous reading sometimes.


Notes left to complete:

  • Week 9
  • Week 10
  • Week 11 (not examinable)
  • Answer for Week 12

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people 🔥

David Vo
David Vo


Jia Jun Yong
Jia Jun Yong

📢 📖 🐛
Duy Nguyen
Duy Nguyen


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Please make a pull request on the repo rockmanvnx6/SeptNotes if you see any errors or would like to make some contributions.