
A Wireless Target Camera System based off the ESP32-CAM. A combination of programming languages is used, Arduino IDE for the ESP32-CAM, Windows UWP (Visual Basic) for the client application which also uses an MJPEG library for reading the camera stream. The UWP client application displays the stream and overlays ballistic information.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Target Camera (ESP32-CAM)

A Wireless Target Camera System based off the ESP32-CAM. A combination of programming languages is used, Arduino IDE for the ESP32-CAM, Windows UWP (Visual Basic) for the client application which also uses an MJPEG library for reading the camera stream. The UWP client application displays the stream and overlays ballistic information.

Arduino - IDE code for the ESP32-CAM

  • Battery Management - Read ADC (PIN 12) - Prior to WiFi initialization which ties up the ADC inputs on the board.
  • Battery Management - Requires a voltage divider, please see the Altium Circuitmaker Schematic and PCB layout.
  • OTA / Over The Air Updates - Partition Scheme: "Minimal SPIFFS (1.9MB APP with OTA/190KB SPIFFS).
  • SPIFFS partition is small, is primarily used to store config data and a small image file/logo file and favicon.

3D Printing - 3D Printed Parts for the ESP32-CAM Housing/Enclosure

  • Main Section - Houses the ESP32-CAM and ESP32-CAM motherboard, light pipes and power switch.
  • Battery Section - Houses the battery board and AA battery holder.
  • Holder - Anetnna - Part is used for installing the antenna assembly.
  • Holder - Nut - Part used for locating/holding the UNC nut for tripods.
  • Locating Block - Screwed into the battery board, holds the ESM32-CAM motherboard in place.

Note: Recommend ABS or PETG for 3D Printing due to outdoor use.

UWP-Testing-VB - Simple Visual Studio 2022 Application to Read MJPEG Stream from the ESP32-CAM

This application is the testing application for reading the MJPEG stream and displaying it from the ESP32-CAM, please see information below on the required NuGet packages and configuration information. Developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Basic.

Visual Studio 2022 Project Configuration (Visual Basic and C#)

  • Target Version - Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
  • Minimum Version - Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17753)