
Helios Lang reference compiler

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Helios is a Domain Specific Language that compiles to Plutus-Core (i.e. Cardano on-chain validator scripts). Helios is a non-Haskell alternative to Plutus.

Helios is purely functional, strongly typed, and uses a conventional curly braces syntax. It notably supports closures, compile-time const statements, and tagged unions.

This repository contains a reference compiler for Helios, written in Javascript.

Use the following tutorial to learn how to use Helios with cardano-cli:

  1. Cardano-node setup
  2. Wallet setup and funding
  3. Always Succeeds contract
  4. Time Lock contract
  5. Subscription contract
  6. Minting policy scripts
  7. English Auction contract

Note that the Helios library also contains a function to deserialize existing Plutus-Core scripts (see second example below).


Quick start examples

1. Vesting contract example

The following Helios example is equivalent to the Plutus vesting contract from the Plutus playground (demonstration of syntax only, shouldn't be used in production!):

data VestingTranche {
    time   Time, // 'amount' is available after 'time'
    amount Value

data VestingParams {
    tranche1 VestingTranche,
    tranche2 VestingTranche,
    owner    PubKeyHash

const PARAMS VestingParams {
        /*parameters interpolated from surrounding js*/

func availableFrom(tranche VestingTranche, time Time) Value {
    if (time >= tranche.time) {
    } else {

func remainingFrom(tranche VestingTranche, time Time) Value {
    tranche.amount - availableFrom(tranche, time)

// the compiler is smart enough to add an empty Datum and empty Redeemer as arguments to the actual main entrypoint function
func main(ctx ScriptContext) Bool {
    tx Tx = getTx(ctx);
    now Time = getTimeRangeStart(getTxTimeRange(tx));
    remainingActual Value = valueLockedBy(tx, getCurrentValidatorHash(ctx));
    remainingExpected Value = remainingFrom(PARAMS.tranche1, now) + remainingFrom(PARAMS.tranche2, now);
    remainingActual >= remainingExpected && isTxSignedBy(tx, PARAMS.owner)

You can compile this source into Plutus-Core using the helios.js library:

import * as helios from "helios.js"

const src = `data VestingTranche {

// the output can be saved to a file, and that file can be used directly by cardano-cli

2. Deserialize Plutus-Core

import * as helios from "helios.js"

const cborHex = "...";

// dump Plutus-Core AST

Helios user guide


Helios has a C-like syntax. A function body is a single expression. There are no statements, and consequently no return statements.

= combined with ; is a ternary operator. x = upstream; downstream... is syntactic sugar for func(x){downstream...}(upstream).

Primitive types

Each primitive type has associated literal expressions:

  • Bool: true or false
  • Integer: 123 or 0b1111011 or 0o173 or 0x7b
  • String: "..." or '...'
  • ByteArray: #abcdef0123456789 (i.e. pound symbol followed by lower-case hexadecimal sequence)

List types

For now Helios only offers one builtin container type: lists. (We might implement a Map type at some point in the future).

The syntax for list types and literal list expressions is the same as in Golang:

numbers []Integer = []Integer{1, 2, 3};

Other builtin types

Besides primitive types, some other opaque builtin types are defined:

  • ScriptContext
  • Tx
  • TxInput
  • TxOutput
  • TxId
  • TxOutputId
  • PubKeyHash
  • ValidatorHash
  • MintingPolicyHash
  • DatumHash
  • Time
  • TimeRange
  • Duration
  • Value
  • Data
  • AssetClass
  • Address
  • Credential

These types require special builtin functions to access their content. Some also have builtin constructors. User defined data-types automatically generate a cast function allowing Data to be cast into that particular type.

User defined data-types

User defined data-types look like struct definitions in C, but use the data keyword instead:

data Redeemer {
    mode      Integer,
    message   String,
    recipient PubKeyHash

User defined union types

Helios supports tagged unions. These are useful for datums and redeemers with differing content depending on how the script is used. In Haskell tagged unions are called Algeabraic Data Types. Tagged unions are declared as follows:

union Datum {
    Submission{...}, // content of Submission has the same syntax as a regular data-type

A select expression can be used to 'unwrap' union-type instances:

select (expr) {
    case (x Datum::Submission) { // double-colon to reference the sub-type
        ... // expression must use x
    } case Datum::Queue {
        ... // x not used, so can't be declared
    } default { // default must come last if all sub-types of Datum aren't handled explicitely

Direct explicit downcasting is also possible (a runtime error will be thrown if the type doesn't match):

datum Datum = Datum::Submission{...}; // implicit upcasting
sDatum Datum::Submission = Datum::Submission(datum); // explicit downcasting


Branching expressions look like C if else branching statements, but must always have the else branch defined:

if (code == 0) { // expression to convert an Integer code into a String
} else if (code == 1) {
} else {

The Helios if else expression is syntactic sugar for nested Plutus-Core ifThenElse calls. Internally the branches of Plutus-Core's ifThenElse are deferred by wrapping them in lambda expressions, and then calling the returned lambda expression with zero arguments (actually a 'unit' argument). && and || also defer calculation of their right-hand arguments.

Branch deferral is the expected behaviour for conventional programming languages.

Each branch must evaluate to the same type.

Function expressions

Helios supports anonymous function expressions with the following syntax:

myAddIntegers func(Integer, Integer) Integer = func(a Integer, b Integer) Integer {a + b}; ...

Note how the type expression for a function resembles the right-hand function value expression itself.

Function values aren't entirely first class: they can't be put in containers (so not in lists nor in any fields of a data or union type).

Builtin operators

Operators that can be used in compile-time const statements are marked with '^'.

  • ! Bool -> Bool
  • Bool || Bool -> Bool
  • Bool && Bool -> Bool
  • - Integer -> Integer ^
  • + Integer -> Integer ^
  • Integer == Integer -> Bool
  • Integer != Integer -> Bool
  • Integer >= Integer -> Bool
  • Integer > Integer -> Bool
  • Integer <= Integer -> Bool
  • Integer < Integer -> Bool
  • Integer + Integer -> Integer ^
  • Integer - Integer -> Integer ^
  • Integer * Integer -> Integer ^
  • Integer / Integer -> Integer ^
  • Integer % Integer -> Integer
  • ByteArray == ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray != ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray >= ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray > ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray <= ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray < ByteArray -> Bool
  • ByteArray + ByteArray -> ByteArray (concatenation)
  • String + String -> String (concatenation)
  • Time == Time -> Bool
  • Time != Time -> Bool
  • Time >= Time -> Bool
  • Time > Time -> Bool
  • Time <= Time -> Bool
  • Time < Time -> Bool
  • Time + Duration -> Time
  • Time - Duration -> Time
  • Duration == Duration -> Bool
  • Duration != Duration -> Bool
  • Duration + Duration -> Duration
  • Duration - Duration -> Duration (note that Duration can be negative)
  • TxId == TxId -> Bool
  • TxId != TxId -> Bool
  • TxOutputId == TxOutputId -> Bool
  • TxOutputId != TxOutputId -> Bool
  • PubKeyHash == PubKeyHash -> Bool
  • PubKeyHash != PubKeyHash -> Bool
  • ValidatorHash == ValidatorHash -> Bool
  • ValidatorHash != ValidatorHash -> Bool
  • DatumHash == DatumHash -> Bool
  • DatumHash != DatumHash -> Bool
  • MintingPolicyHash == MintingPolicyHash -> Bool
  • MintingPolicyHash != MintingPolicyHash -> Bool
  • Value + Value -> Value ^
  • Value - Value -> Value
  • Value == Value -> Bool
  • Value != Value -> Bool
  • Value >= Value -> Bool (strictly greater-or-equals for each component, NOT the same as !(a < b))
  • Value > Value -> Bool (strictly greater-than for each component, NOT the same as !(a <= b))
  • Value < Value -> Bool (strictly less-than for each component, NOT the same as !(a >= b))
  • Value <= Value -> Bool (strictly less-or-equals for each component, NOT the same as !(a > b))

Builtin functions

Note that builtin functions can't be referenced, and must be called immediately (wrap them in closures as a work-around). Builtin functions that can be used in compile-time const statements are marked with '^'.

  • Integer(Bool) -> Integer (false -> 0, true -> 1)
  • ByteArray(String) -> ByteArray (encodes utf8)
  • String(ByteArray) -> String (decodes utf8)
  • show(Integer) -> String (string representation of integer) ^
  • show(Bool) -> String ("true" or "false") ^
  • show(Time) -> String (string representation of milliseconds since epoch) ^
  • show(ByteArray) -> String (hex representation of bytearray) ^
  • Time(Integer) -> Time (milliseconds since epoch) ^
  • Duration(Integer) -> Duration (milliseconds) ^
  • PubKeyHash(ByteArray) -> PubKeyHash ^
  • ValidatorHash(ByteArray) -> ValidatorHash ^
  • DatumHash(ByteArray) -> DatumHash ^
  • MintingPolicyHash(ByteArray) -> MintingPolicyHash ^
  • TxOutputId(ByteArray, Integer) -> TxOutputId ^
  • fold(func(a, b) a, a, []b) -> a
  • filter(func(a) Bool, []a) -> []a
  • find(func(a) Bool, []a) -> a (returns first found, throws error if nothing found)
  • contains(func(a) Bool, []a) -> Bool
  • len(ByteArray) -> Integer
  • len([]a) -> Integer
  • prepend(a, []a) -> []a
  • getIndex([]a, Integer) -> a (throws error if out of range)
  • head([]a) -> a (first element of list, throws error if list is empty)
  • tail([]a) -> []a (rest of list without first element, throws error if list is empty)
  • isEmpty([]a) -> Bool
  • trace(String, a) -> a (print a debug message while returning a value)
  • getTx(ScriptContext) -> Tx
  • getSpendingPurposeTxOutputId(ScriptContext) -> TxOutputId
  • getTxTimeRange(Tx) -> TimeRange
  • getTxInputs(Tx) -> []TxInput
  • getTxOutputs(Tx) -> []TxOutput
  • getTxOutputsSentTo(Tx, PubKeyHash) -> []TxOutput (outputs being sent to regular payment address)
  • getTxOutputsLockedBy(Tx, ValidatorHash) -> []TxOutput (outputs being sent to script Address with specified validator credential hash)
  • getTimeRangeStart(TimeRange) -> Time (throws error if time range start is open)
  • getTxSignatories(Tx) -> []PubKeyHash
  • getTxId(Tx) -> TxId
  • isTxSignedBy(Tx, PubKeyHash) -> Bool
  • getTxInputOutputId(TxInput) -> TxOutputId
  • getTxInputOutput(TxInput) -> TxOutput (original TxOutput that is now being used as TxInput)
  • getTxOutputAddress(TxOutput) -> Address
  • getTxOutputValue(TxOutput) -> Value
  • hasDatumHash(TxOutput) -> Bool
  • getTxOutputDatumHash(TxOutput) -> DatumHash (returns an empty DatumHash if the tx output doesn't have one)
  • getAddressCredential(Address) -> Credential
  • isStakedAddress(Address) -> Bool
  • isPubKeyCredential(Credential) -> Bool
  • isScriptCredential(Credential) -> Bool
  • getCredentialValidatorHash(Credential) -> ValidatorHash
  • getCredentialPubKeyHash(Credential) -> PubKeyHash
  • getCurrentTxInput(ScriptContext) -> TxInput
  • getCurrentValidatorHash(ScriptContext) -> ValidatorHash (hash of current validator script)
  • getCurrentMintingPolicyHash(ScriptContext) -> MintingPolicyHash (hash of curreny minting script)
  • getValueComponent(Value, AssetClass) -> Integer
  • isZero(Value) -> Bool
  • zero() -> Value
  • valueSentTo(Tx, PubKeyHash) -> Value (Value sent to regular paymant address)
  • valueLockedBy(Tx, ValidatorHash) -> Value (Value sent to script Address with given validator credential hash)
  • valueLockedByDatum(Tx, ValidatorHash, a) -> Value (Value sent to script with given datum of type a, a must be a user-defined data-type, throws an error if datum isn't found)
  • AssetClass(ByteArray, String) -> AssetClass
  • Value(AssetClass, Integer) -> Value ^
  • lovelace(Integer) -> Value ^
  • findDatumData(Tx, DatumHash) -> Data
  • findDatumHash(Tx, a) -> DatumHash (a must be a user-defined data-type)
  • serialize(a) -> ByteArray (a can be anything except a function type)
  • sha2(ByteArray) -> ByteArray (32 bytes)
  • sha3(ByteArray) -> ByteArray (32 bytes)
  • blake2b(ByteArray) -> ByteArray (32 bytes)

Helios developer guide

Design principles

  • The Helios DSL is a C-like language, so it can be read by almost any programmer.
  • Whitespace is obviously insignificant.
  • For everything there should be one, and only one, obvious way of doing it.
  • Each symbol/operator has only one kind of functionality. Only standard symbols/operators should be used (so nothing weird like in Haskell).
  • Brackets are only used for builtin parametric types (List-type and perhaps at some point in the future Map, Maybe etc.). Brackets aren't used for indexing (use getIndex builtin instead).
  • Semi-colons are operators and are part of assignment expressions. They can't be used as separators.
  • Similarly the equals-sign is part of assignment expressions, and can't be used as other 'special' syntax.
  • Because expressions can contain assignments all distinct expressions should be visibly scoped (inside parentheses or braces, so no leaving out the parentheses of if else-conditions like in Golang).
  • The colon and comma act as separators, never as operators.
  • No name shadowing, no keyword shadowing.
  • Every variable declaration must be fully typed.
  • No type aliases: some users might expect automatic up-and-down-casting, and others won't expect that.
  • Every declared name (local or global) must be used when main() is evaluated. Unused names must be eliminated from the source-code.
  • All data-types inside a union-type must also be used.
  • Conditions of if else expressions can't evaluate to a compile-time constant.
  • Top-level const statements allow compile-time evaluation into primitive values (not available for all builtin function calls yet). Expressions are otherwise never simplified/optimized.

Untyped Helios

Helios is a typed language, and is internally converted into untyped Helios before final compilation into (untyped) Plutus-Core.

Untyped Helios is essentially an expansion of all the operators and all the semi-builtin functions (semi-builtin functions are builtins provided by typed Helios, but not by Plutus-Core).