
A testing plugin for the Serverless Framework that mocks events for AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions & more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Mocker

Work in progress...

A lightweight testing framework for the Serverless Framework that mocks events.


  • Write mock events and invoke your functions with them while you write code.
  • On save, this plugin automatically invokes your Function w/ each mock event and prints results in your console.
  • Features a local or remote mode. remote mode will quickly deploy your function before invoking it with mock data.
  • Write multiple mock events for each event for your functions.


Install with npm:

npm i serverless-mocker-plugin --save

Add it to your Serverless Service plugins:

  - serverless-mocker-plugin

Add a mock property to your Functions:

# serverless.yml

    handler: index.hello
      - http:
          path: hello
          method: get
          mocks: ${file(./mocks.yml):hello} # References to another file which contains the mocks

Create a mocks.yml file in your service folder:

# mocks.yml

hello_http: # Contains the mock for the "hello" function and "http" event
  succcess: # A mock for this function event
      clientId: aslkfjasf8kajsf981
  fail: # Another mock for this function event
      clientId: false

Start the plugin:

sls flow --function hello

Write code, hit save, and your function will be auto-invoked for each mock.

When you're done working locally, switch the mode to remote to test your mocks against live Lambdas

sls flow --function hello --mode remote // Remote mode invokes the function on Lambda