
This project/repository is a local setup of Kali Linux in WSL2.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Setup Kali Linux in WSL2

> Austin.Lai |
> -----------| November 17th, 2023
> -----------| Updated on November 27th, 2023

Table of Contents



This project/repository is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

This project/repository is for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that me (Austin) is not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of the information or functionality provided by these programs. The author or any Internet provider bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact that any damage (data loss, system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use of these programs is not Austin responsibility.


This project/repository is a local setup of Kali Linux in WSL2.


  • The configurations in this project/repository are for your reference ONLY (the reasons are as follows):
    • This setup has a bash script file:
    • Please change the configuration accordingly to suits your hosting environment.

init script

This project/repository has a helper shell script with description and usage as shown below:

             This is an init script for setting up Kali Linux.
             Please select 'set-terminal' if you are running this for the first time.
             After successful running 'set-terminal', then run 'system-update'.
             ./kali-linux-wsl-init-v2.sh [options]

            -h:  Display this help message (--help, /?).
         setup:  Start the configuration.
        sshkey:  Start generate sshkey for kali and root.
 system-update:  Doing system-update with 'apt update'.

The kali-linux-wsl-init.sh file can be found here or below:

Click here to expand for the "kali-linux-wsl-init.sh" !!!

# Get the current path and the filename of the script

# Display help message
display_help() {
  echo -e "\nDescription:"
  echo "             This is an init script for setting up Kali Linux in WSL2."
  echo "      Usage:"
  echo -e "             $script_file_name [options]\n"
  echo "    Options:"
  echo "            -h:  Display this help message (--help, /?)."
  echo "         setup:  Start the configuration."
  echo "        sshkey:  Start generate sshkey for kali and root."
  echo " system-update:  Doing system-update with 'apt update'."

# Prompt user for input
yes_or_no() {
  while true; do
    echo -e "\nYou have selected 'setup'"
    read -p "Would you like to continue? ('yes|y|Yes|Y|YES' or 'no|n|No|N|N'): " answer
    case $answer in
    [yY] | [yY][eE][sS])
      return 0
    [nN] | [nN][oO])
      return 1
      echo -e "\nInvalid input.\n"

# Check immutable attribute of a file
check_immutable_attribute() {
  if chattr -i "$1" &>/dev/null; then
      # echo "$1 is not immutable (chattr -i)."
      # echo "$1 does not have the immutable attribute (chattr +i) set."
      return 1
      # echo "$1 is immutable (chattr +i)."
      # echo "$1 is set with the immutable attribute (chattr +i)."
      return 0

# Function to download and install a .deb package
install_deb_package() {
  local package_url="$1"
  local package_name="$2"

  echo "Downloading $package_name..."
  wget "$package_url" -O "$package_name.deb"

  if [ -e "$package_name.deb" ]; then
      echo "Installing $package_name..."
      sudo -S <<< "kali" dpkg -i "$package_name.deb"
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt --fix-broken install -y
      rm "$package_name.deb"
      echo "$package_name installed successfully."
      echo "Failed to download $package_name."

# Check if exactly one argument is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
  exit 1

# Check for command line arguments
if [ -z "$1" ]; then

# Display help message
if [ "$arg1" = "/?" ] || [ "$arg1" = "-h" ] || [ "$arg1" = "--help" ]; then
  exit 0

# Capture Ctrl+C and exit
trap "exit 1" INT

# Get the current date in the format DDMMYYYY
current_date=$(date +'%d%m%Y-%H%M')

# Store the argument

# Store the argument as option

# Check the argument against the allowed options
case "$argument" in
  "/?" | "-h" | "--help")
      echo -e "\nInvalid option: $argument"
      exit 1

# Continue the script based on the option
if [[ "$option" == "setup" ]]; then

  # Define the filename with the current date

    # Turn on debugging mode
    set -xv

    # setterm -foreground white -background blue
    # setterm -store

    shopt -s extglob
    shopt -s cdspell
    shopt -s direxpand
    shopt -s dirspell
    shopt -s dotglob
    shopt -s histappend
    shopt -s globstar
    shopt -s nullglob

    # Call function to prompt user for input and continue setup configuration if user enters 'yes'
    if yes_or_no; then

      echo -e "\nTesting setup configuration...\n"

      # Prompt user for hostname
      read -p "Enter the desired hostname: " user_hostname

      # Set hostname
      sudo -S <<< "kali" hostnamectl set-hostname "$user_hostname"

      # Set timezone
      sudo -S <<< "kali" timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Singapore

      # Print confirmation
      echo "Hostname set to $user_hostname"

      # Set root password
      { echo "root"; echo "root"; } | sudo -S passwd root &>/dev/null

      # Update apt
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt update -y

      # Install rust
      # echo "kali" | sudo -S curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
      # sleep 2
      # rustup update
      # sleep 2
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt install -y cargo zsh
      sleep 2
      setopt CORRECT
      setopt ALL_EXPORT
      setopt autocd
      setopt interactivecomments
      setopt magicequalsubst
      setopt notify
      setopt promptsubst
      sleep 2
      chsh -s $(which zsh)

      # Install starship prompt
      echo "kali" | sudo -S curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh -s -- -y
      sleep 2

      # Install basic tools
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt install --yes --quiet --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew zsh-autosuggestions dos2unix python3 tmux asciinema golang sshuttle neofetch zsh git software-properties-common powershell nmap ltrace lsof strace tcpdump exiftool rpm man-db upx-ucl nfs-common cifs-utils rdesktop ncat netcat-traditional wfuzz sqlmap dnsenum enum4linux nikto nbtscan-unixwiz smbmap linux-exploit-suggester exploitdb binwalk sshuttle john hydra wordlists sshpass jq openssl morse hashid 2to3 mcrypt bsdgames morse2ascii seclists curl feroxbuster impacket-scripts onesixtyone oscanner redis-tools smbclient sslscan tnscmd10g whatweb wkhtmltopdf ffuf gobuster gcc gpg fd-find screen powershell-empire starkiller feroxbuster netcat-openbsd metasploit-framework armitage koadic mingw-w64 freerdp2-shadow-x11 freerdp2-x11 snapd remmina ruby evil-winrm feroxbuster shellter evilginx2 chisel burpsuite
      sleep 2

      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt install --yes --quiet --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew tshark

      # Install sliver c2
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt install -y sliver

      # Install rustscan
      cargo install rustscan
      sleep 2

      # Install fast-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autocomplete
      git clone https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting /home/kali/.config/fast-syntax-highlighting
      git clone --depth 1 -- https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete.git /home/kali/.config/zsh-autocomplete

      # Install fonts-cascadia-code and FiraCode Nerd Font
      echo "Downloading CascadiaCode Nerd Font..."
      wget https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code/releases/download/v2105.24/CascadiaCode-2105.24.zip
      echo "Downloading FiraCode Nerd Font..."
      wget https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v2.1.0/FiraCode.zip

      # Unzip the downloaded font
      unzip CascadiaCode-2105.24.zip
      sudo -S <<< "kali" unzip FiraCode.zip -d /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
      sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -v ttf/CascadiaCodePL.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

      # Update the system's font cache
      sudo -S <<< "kali" fc-cache -f -v

      # Cleanup
      rm -f CascadiaCode-2105.24.zip
      rm -f FiraCode.zip
      rm -rf otf ttf woff2
      rm -f wget-log

      # Install VSCODE Version 1.83
      install_deb_package "$vscode_url" "vscode"

      # Install Google Chrome
      install_deb_package "$google_chrome_url" "google-chrome"

      # Install Microsoft Edge
      install_deb_package "$edge_url" "microsoft-edge"

      # missing owasp-zap
      echo -e "\nmissing owasp-zap"

      # missing powershell-for-pentesters # git clone https://github.com/dievus/PowerShellForPentesters
      echo -e "\nmissing powershell-for-pentesters \ngit clone https://github.com/dievus/PowerShellForPentesters"

      # missing powershell-suite # git clone https://github.com/FuzzySecurity/PowerShell-Suite.git
      echo -e "\nmissing powershell-suite \ngit clone https://github.com/FuzzySecurity/PowerShell-Suite.git"

      # missing webserver # git clone https://github.com/MScholtes/WebServer.git
      echo -e "\nmissing webserver \ngit clone https://github.com/MScholtes/WebServer.git"

      # missing ssh-backdoor # git clone https://github.com/NinjaJc01/ssh-backdoor.git
      echo -e "\nmissing ssh-backdoor \ngit clone https://github.com/NinjaJc01/ssh-backdoor.git"

      # missing jwt_tool # git clone https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool
      echo -e "\nmissing jwt_tool \ngit clone https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool"

      # Install and setup pipx
      python3 -m pip install --user pipx termcolor cprint pycryptodomex requests
      python3 -m pipx ensurepath
      pipx ensurepath

      # Install tools using pipx
      pipx install crackmapexec
      pipx ensurepath

      # Install tools using pip3
      pip3 install updog
      pip3 install kerbrute
      pip3 install name-that-hash
      pip3 install qu1ckdr0p2

      # Install kerbrute using Go
      go install github.com/ropnop/kerbrute@latest

      # Update databases for nmap, wpscan, searchsploit, and locate
      sudo -S <<< "kali" nmap --script-updatedb
      sudo -S <<< "kali" wpscan --update
      sudo -S <<< "kali" searchsploit -u
      sudo -S <<< "kali" updatedb

      # Upgrade apt
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt full-upgrade -y
      sleep 2

      # Autoremove apt and purge
      sudo -S <<< "kali" apt autoremove --purge -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

      # Enable SSH at boot and allow root login with SSH
      sudo -S <<< "kali" systemctl enable ssh.service
      sudo -S <<< "kali" sed -i.bak 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      sudo -S <<< "kali" sed -i.bak 's/#PubkeyAuthentication yes/PubkeyAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      sudo -S <<< "kali" systemctl restart ssh.service

      # Enable privileged for nmap
      sudo -S <<< "kali" setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/bin/nmap

      # Backup /home/kali/.zshrc
      cp -v /home/kali/.zshrc /home/kali/.zshrc.$current_date.bak
      echo -e '\neval "$(starship init zsh)"' >> /home/kali/.zshrc
      echo -e '\nexport PATH="$PATH:/home/kali/.cargo/bin"' >> /home/kali/.zshrc

      # Check the content of /home/kali/.zshrc 
      echo ""
      cat /home/kali/.zshrc
      echo ""

      echo -e "\nHISTSIZE=9999\nSAVEHIST=9999\n\nalias nc.tra=/usr/bin/nc.traditional\nalias nc.bsd=/usr/bin/nc.openbsd\nalias screenrec=\"asciinema rec --stdin -i 1 ./\$(date +\"%F_%T_%z\").cast\"\nalias kali_desktop=\"cd /home/kali/Desktop\"\nalias root_desktop=\"cd /root\"\n\nsource ~/.config/fast-syntax-highlighting/fast-syntax-highlighting.plugin.zsh\n\nsource ~/.config/zsh-autocomplete/zsh-autocomplete.plugin.zsh\n\nexport STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/.config/pastel-powerline.toml\n\n" >> /home/kali/.zshrc

      echo -e 'source ~/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh' >> /home/kali.zshrc

      # Check the content of /home/kali/.zshrc
      echo ""
      cat /home/kali/.zshrc
      echo ""

      echo -e "set -g mouse on\n# sane scrolling:\nbind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = \"#{mouse_any_flag}\" \"send-keys -M\" \"if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'\"" >> /home/kali/.tmux.conf

      # Check the content of /home/kali/.tmux.conf
      echo ""
      cat /home/kali/.tmux.conf
      echo ""


      # Define the directory containing the kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh

      # Store the find command in a variable
      source_kali_linux_wsl_zsh=$(find "${kali_linux_wsl_zsh_directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*kali-linux-wsl-zsh*" -print)

      # Check if the variable is not empty
      if [ -n "$source_kali_linux_wsl_zsh" ]; then

          echo -e "\nkali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh found:"
          echo -e "\n$source_kali_linux_wsl_zsh"

          # Copy the kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh to kali user 
          cp -iv "${kali_linux_wsl_zsh_directory}"/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh /home/kali/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh

          echo -e "\nkali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh copied successfully."

          # Check the content of /home/kali/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh
          echo ""
          cat /home/kali/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh
          echo ""

          # Copy the kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh to root user
          sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${kali_linux_wsl_zsh_directory}"/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh /root/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh

          echo -e "\nkali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh copied successfully."

          # Check the content of /root/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh
          echo ""
          sudo -S <<< "kali" cat /root/kali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh
          echo ""

          echo -e "\nkali-linux-wsl-zsh.sh files NOT found !!!"

      echo -e "\n !!! MANUALLY COPY THE BELOW TO /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml !!! \n"
      # /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
      # MANUALLY COPY THE BELOW TO /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
      # # Get editor completions based on the config schema
      # "$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json'

      # # Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
      # add_newline = true

      # # A continuation prompt that displays two filled in arrows
      # continuation_prompt = "β–Άβ–Ά"

      # # Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
      # scan_timeout = 10

      # # Set 'austin' as custom color palette
      # palette = 'austin'

      # format = """$time$username $fill$cmd_duration$status
      # $directory
      # $os$shell$character"""

      # # Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely
      # [package]
      # disabled = true

      # [line_break]
      # disabled = false

      # # Define custom colors
      # [palettes.austin]
      # # Overwrite existing color
      # # blue = '#39FF14'
      # # Define new color
      # # mustard = '#af8700'
      # neon_green = '#39FF14'

      # [os]
      # # format = " $symbol "
      # format = "[ $symbol ]($style)"
      # style = "bold white"
      # # style = "bg:#f07623"
      # disabled = false

      # # This is the default symbols table.
      # [os.symbols]
      # Alpaquita = "πŸ””"
      # Alpine = "πŸ”οΈ"
      # Amazon = "πŸ™‚"
      # Android = "πŸ€–"
      # Arch = "πŸŽ—οΈ"
      # Artix = "πŸŽ—οΈ"
      # CentOS = "πŸ’ "
      # Debian = "πŸŒ€"
      # DragonFly = "πŸ‰"
      # Emscripten = "πŸ”—"
      # EndeavourOS = "πŸš€"
      # Fedora = "🎩"
      # FreeBSD = "😈"
      # Garuda = "πŸ¦…"
      # Gentoo = "πŸ—œοΈ"
      # HardenedBSD = "πŸ›‘οΈ"
      # Illumos = "🐦"
      # Linux = "🐧"
      # Mabox = "πŸ“¦"
      # Macos = "🍎"
      # Manjaro = "πŸ₯­"
      # Mariner = "🌊"
      # MidnightBSD = "🌘"
      # Mint = "🌿"
      # NetBSD = "🚩"
      # NixOS = "❄️"
      # OpenBSD = "🐑"
      # OpenCloudOS = "☁️"
      # openEuler = "πŸ¦‰"
      # openSUSE = "🦎"
      # OracleLinux = "🦴"
      # Pop = "🍭"
      # Raspbian = "πŸ“"
      # Redhat = "🎩"
      # RedHatEnterprise = "🎩"
      # Redox = "πŸ§ͺ"
      # Solus = "β›΅"
      # SUSE = "🦎"
      # Ubuntu = "🎯"
      # Unknown = "❓"
      # # Windows = "πŸͺŸ"
      # Windows = ""

      # # You can also replace your username with a neat symbol like ο„  to save some space
      # [username]
      # show_always = true
      # format = '[ \[$user\] ]($style)'
      # # style_user = "bg:#9A348E"
      # # style_root = "bg:#9A348E fg:red"
      # # style_user = "bg:#f07623 fg:#ffffff"
      # # style_root = "bg:#f07623 fg:neon_green"
      # style_user = "bg:#f07623 fg:#ffffff"
      # # style_root = "bg:#93d0fc fg:#ff0000"
      # # style_root = "bg:#93d0fc fg:#011efe"
      # style_root = "bg:#93d0fc fg:#fe0000"

      # [time]
      # time_format = "%A|%d-%b-%Y|%T|%:z"
      # format = '[ \[$timeπŸ•™\] ]($style)'
      # # style = 'bg:#8b1ec4 fg:bold neon_green'
      # # style = 'bg:#93d0fc fg:#ffa32d'
      # style = 'bg:#00a1de fg:#ffffff'
      # disabled = false

      # [shell]
      # format = '[$indicator]($style)'
      # # cmd_indicator = "\uebc4"
      # powershell_indicator = "ξ―‡ "
      # cmd_indicator = "ξ―„ "
      # # style = 'cyan-blue'
      # # style = 'fg:neon_green'
      # disabled = false

      # [fill]
      # symbol = "-"
      # style = 'fg:neon_green'
      # # style = 'bg:#8b1ec4 fg:neon_green'
      # # style = "bold red"
      # disabled = false

      # [cmd_duration]
      # min_time = 1
      # show_milliseconds = true
      # disabled = false
      # format = " [$duration ]($style)"
      # # style = "bold italic red"

      # [status]
      # # style = "bg:blue"
      # symbol = " πŸ”΄ "
      # success_symbol = " 🟒 "
      # format = '[\[$symbol$common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) '
      # map_symbol = true
      # disabled = false

      # [directory]
      # format = "[ $path ]($style)"
      # # style = "bg:#DA627D"
      # style = "bg:#9600ff fg:#0bff01"
      # # style = "bg:#fe0000 fg:#0bff01"
      # # style = "bg:#f07623 fg:#0900ff"
      # # style = "bg:#011efe fg:neon_green"
      # # style = "bg:#cb2c31 fg:#ffffff"
      # # style = "bg:#011efe fg:#0bff01"
      # # style = "bg:#93d0fc fg:#ff0000"
      # # style = "bg:#011efe fg:#00fff9"
      # truncation_length = 3
      # truncation_symbol = "…\\"
      # use_os_path_sep = true
      # home_symbol = '~'

      # # Here is how you can shorten some long paths by text replacement
      # # similar to mapped_locations in Oh My Posh:
      # [directory.substitutions]
      # "Documents" = "πŸ“„ "
      # "Downloads" = "πŸ“₯ "
      # "Music" = "🎜 "
      # "Pictures" = "πŸ“· "

      # # Replace the '❯' symbol in the prompt with '➜'
      # [character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character'
      # success_symbol = '[➜](bold green)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green'
      # error_symbol = "[βœ—](bold red)"

      # [python]
      # symbol = "🐍 "
      # # style = "bold yellow"
      # # style = "bold green"
      # # pyenv_version_name = true
      # pyenv_prefix = "venv "
      # python_binary = ["./venv/bin/python", "python", "python3", "python2"]
      # detect_extensions = ["py"]
      # version_format = "v${raw}"
      # format = 'via [${symbol}python (${version} )(\($virtualenv\) )]($style)'
      # # format = '\[[${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version})(\($virtualenv\))]($style)\]'
      # # format = "[$symbol$version]($style) "

      # [rust]
      # format = "[$symbol$version]($style) "
      # # style = "bold green"

      # [hostname]
      # ssh_only = true
      # format = "[$ssh_symbol](bold blue) on [$hostname](bold red) "
      # disabled = false

      # [localip]
      # ssh_only = true
      # format = "@[$localipv4](bold red) "
      # disabled = false

      # [memory_usage]
      # format = "$symbol[${ram}( | ${swap})]($style) "
      # threshold = 70
      # # style = "bold dimmed white"
      # disabled = false

      # Define the directory containing the pastel-powerline.toml

      # Store the find command in a variable
      source_toml_files=$(find "${toml_directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*pastel-powerline*" -print)

      # Check if the variable is not empty
      if [ -n "$source_toml_files" ]; then

          echo -e "\nTOML files found:"
          echo -e "\n$source_toml_files"

          # Define the .config folder for kali user

          # Create .config folder for kali user if it doesn't exist
          if [ -d "$kali_config_directory" ]; then
              echo -e "\nThe ${kali_config_directory} directory exists.\n"

              # Copy the pastel-powerline.toml to kali user .config
              cp -iv "${toml_directory}"/pastel-powerline* /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml

              echo -e "\npastel-powerline.toml copied successfully."

              # Check the content of /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""
              cat /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""

              echo -e "\nThe ${kali_config_directory} directory does not exist.\n"

              # Create .config folder for kali user if it doesn't exist
              mkdir -pv /home/kali/.config

              # Copy the pastel-powerline.toml to kali user .config
              cp -iv "${toml_directory}"/pastel-powerline* /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml

              echo -e "\npastel-powerline.toml copied successfully."

              # Check the content of /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""
              cat /home/kali/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""

          # Define the .config folder for root user

          # Create .config folder for root user if it doesn't exist
          if [ -d "$root_config_directory" ]; then
              echo -e "\nThe ${root_config_directory} directory exists.\n"

              # Copy the pastel-powerline.toml to root user .config
              sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${toml_directory}"/pastel-powerline* /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml

              echo -e "\npastel-powerline.toml copied successfully."

              # Check the content of /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""
              sudo -S <<< "kali" cat /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""

              echo -e "\nThe ${root_config_directory} directory does not exist.\n"

              # Create .config folder for root user if it doesn't exist
              sudo -S <<< "kali" mkdir -pv /root/.config

              # Copy the pastel-powerline.toml to root user .config
              sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${toml_directory}"/pastel-powerline* /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml

              echo -e "\npastel-powerline.toml copied successfully."

              # Check the content of /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""
              sudo -S <<< "kali" cat /root/.config/pastel-powerline.toml
              echo ""

          echo -e "\nTOML files NOT found !!!"


    # Turn off debugging mode
    set +xv
  } 2>&1 | tee "$output_file"

elif [[ "$option" == "sshkey" ]]; then

  # Define the filename with the current date

    # Turn on debugging mode
    set -xv
    # Define the directory containing the keys

    # Define the .ssh folder for kali user

    # Define the .ssh folder for root user

    # Store the find command in a variable
    source_key_files=$(find "${key_directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*id_rsa*" -print)

    # Check if the variable is not empty
    if [ -n "$source_key_files" ]; then

        echo -e "\nKey files found:"
        echo -e "\n$source_key_files"

        # Create .ssh folder for kali user if it doesn't exist
        if [ -d "$kali_ssh_directory" ]; then

            echo -e "\nThe ${kali_ssh_directory} directory exists.\n"

            # Store the find command in a variable
            check_key_files=$(find "${kali_ssh_directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*id_rsa*" -print)

            # Check if the variable is not empty
            if [ -n "$check_key_files" ]; then

                echo -e "SSH key for kali user exist."

                # Copy the SSH private and public keys to kali user .ssh
                cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa /home/kali/.ssh/
                cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub /home/kali/.ssh/

                echo -e "\nSSH keys copied successfully.\n"
                # Copy the public key to /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys so that Windows can use private key to ssh in
                cat "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub >> /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys
                cat /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys



            echo -e "\nThe ${kali_ssh_directory} directory does not exist.\n"

            # Create .ssh folder for kali user if it doesn't exist
            mkdir -pv /home/kali/.ssh
            # Copy the SSH private and public keys to kali user .ssh
            cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa /home/kali/.ssh/
            cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub /home/kali/.ssh/

            echo -e "\nSSH keys copied successfully."
            # Copy the public key to /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys so that Windows can use private key to ssh in
            cat "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub >> /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys
            cat /home/kali/.ssh/authorized_keys


        # Create .ssh folder for root user if it doesn't exist
        if $(sudo -S <<< "kali" find "/root" -maxdepth 1 -type d -name ".ssh" -print -quit | grep -q .); then

            echo -e "\nThe ${root_ssh_directory} directory exists.\n"

            # Store the find command in a variable
            check_key_files=$(sudo -S <<< "kali" find "${root_ssh_directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*id_rsa*" -print)

            # Check if the variable is not empty
            if [ -n "$check_key_files" ]; then

                echo -e "SSH key for root user exist."

                # Copy the SSH private and public keys to root user .ssh
                sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa /root/.ssh/
                sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub /root/.ssh/

                echo -e \n"SSH keys copied successfully.\n"

                # Copy the public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys so that Windows can use private key to ssh in
                { echo "kali"; cat "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub ; } | sudo -k -S tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys &>/dev/null
                sudo -S <<< "kali" cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys



            echo -e "\nThe ${root_ssh_directory} directory does not exist.\n"

            # Create .ssh folder for root user if it doesn't exist
            sudo -S <<< "kali" mkdir -pv /root/.ssh
            # Copy the SSH private and public keys to root user .ssh
            sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa /root/.ssh
            sudo -S <<< "kali" cp -iv "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub /root/.ssh

            echo -e "\nSSH keys copied successfully."

            # Copy the public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys so that Windows can use private key to ssh in
            { echo "kali"; cat "${key_directory}"/*id_rsa.pub; } | sudo -k -S tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys &>/dev/null
            sudo -S <<< "kali" cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys



        echo "Error: No SSH key files found in ${key_directory}."

        ssh-keygen -o -v -t ed25519 -a 1000 -P ""  -N "" -f "${key_directory}/kali-hyper-v-id_rsa"
        chmod 600 "${key_directory}/kali-hyper-v-id_rsa"
        echo "Generated SSH key: ${key_directory}/kali-hyper-v-id_rsa"


    # Turn off debugging mode
    set +xv
  } 2>&1 | tee "$output_file"

elif [[ "$option" == "system-update" ]]; then

  # Define the filename with the current date

    # Turn on debugging mode
    set -xv

    echo -e "\nYou have selected 'system-update'"

    # Run apt update
    echo "kali" | sudo -S apt update -y
    echo "kali" | sudo -S apt list --upgradable
    echo "kali" | sudo -S apt --yes --quiet --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew full-upgrade
    # Install dbus
    sudo -S <<< "kali" apt install -y dbus dbus-x11
    sleep 2

    echo "kali" | sudo -S apt update -y
    sudo -S <<< "kali" apt autoremove --purge -y && sudo -S <<< "kali" apt autoclean -y

    echo "Upgrade completed."

    # Turn off debugging mode
    set +xv
  } 2>&1 | tee "$output_file"


Here is the breakdown details of system-update section.

It will help to configure:

  • Do a apt update
  • Do a apt full-upgrade


Here is the breakdown details of sshkey section.

It will help to configure sshkey for the user kali:

  • Check .ssh and sshkey existed for the user kali and root
  • Create .ssh and sshkey if require for the user kali and root
  • Copy sshkey (including private and public key) to /root/.ssh for the user root
  • Copy ssh public key to .ssh/authorized_keys for the user kali and root, so that you can connect ssh using private key from Windows host


Here is the breakdown details of setup section.

It will help to configure:

  • Set hostname to
  • Set timezone to Asia/Singapore
  • Do a apt update
  • Install rust
  • Install starship
  • Install zsh-autosuggestions, dos2unix, python3, tmux, asciinema, golang, sshuttle, neofetch, zsh, git, software-properties-common, powershell, nmap, ltrace, lsof, strace, tshark, tcpdump, exiftool, rpm, man-db, upx-ucl, nfs-common, cifs-utils, rdesktop, ncat, netcat-traditional, wfuzz, sqlmap, dnsenum, enum4linux, nikto, nbtscan-unixwiz, smbmap, linux-exploit-suggester, exploitdb, binwalk, sshuttle, john, hydra, wordlists, sshpass, jq, openssl, morse, hashid, 2to3, mcrypt, bsdgames, morse2ascii, seclists, curl, feroxbuster, impacket-scripts, onesixtyone, oscanner, redis-tools, smbclient, sslscan, tnscmd10g, whatweb, wkhtmltopdf, ffuf, gobuster, gcc, gpg, ripgrep, fd-find, screen, powershell-empire, starkiller, feroxbuster, netcat-openbsd, metasploit-framework, armitage, koadic, mingw-w64, freerdp2-shadow-x11, freerdp2-x11, snapd, remmina, ruby, evil-winrm, feroxbuster, shellter, evilginx2, and chisel
  • Install sliver c2
  • Install rustscan
  • Install fast-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autocomplete
  • Install CascadiaCode and FiraCode Nerd Font
  • Install VSCode, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge
  • Install and setup pipx
  • Install crackmapexec using pipx
  • Install tools using pip3
    • updog
    • kerbrute
    • name-that-hash
  • Install kerbrute using Go
  • Update databases for nmap, wpscan, searchsploit, and locate
  • Do a apt full-upgrade
  • DO a apt autoremove --purge -y && sudo apt autoclean -y
  • Enable SSH at boot and allow root login with SSH
  • Backup and configure /home/kali/.zshrc