
Automate expensing CalTrain Parking through SAP Concur

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Download CalTrain order history screenshots and upload them to SAP Concur under a new expense report!


  • Python 3.10+
  • Python Libraries
    • selenium
    • tqdm
  • Selenium Server Standalone
    • Java (1.8+)
  • Mozilla Firefox
    • Geckodriver


Install Selenium Server Standalone

brew install selenium-server

Install Java (1.8+) for running the Selenium JAR

brew install openjdk@11
# Will need to symlink Java if installing Java for the first
# time (as specified in brew install's caveats):
sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk@11/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-11.jdk

Install FireFox

brew install --cask firefox

Install GeckoDriver for automating FireFox

brew install geckodriver

Install Python 3.10+

brew install python@3.11

Create virtual environment to keep library installations clean

python3.11 -m venv ~/.venv/expenses

Activate and install required Python libraries into virtual environment

source ~/.venv/expenses
python3 -m pip install requirements.txt


This repository consists of two scripts. The first script takes screenshots of CalTrain transaction receipts and the second script uploads those receipts to SAP Concur.

The scripts are not 100% automated: you will have to log into each service manually through the opened web browser and the second script does not automatically submit the expense report in case you want to manually add more expenses or verify the report.

Activate Virtual Environment

Make sure to activate the virtual environment with the required Python libraries so that the scripts can access them when running!

source ~/.venv/expenses/bin/activate

CalTrain Tickets

Takes a screenshot of each CalTrain ticket up to the specified cutoff date. The screenshots are saved to the specified output directory in the format of {orderNumber}_{date}_{price}.png.

When run, a browser window that is controlled by Selenium will open and navigate to the CalTrain login page and wait. Once you've logged in, the script will navigate to the order history page and take a screenshot of each transaction from present back until the specified date (or to the beginning of time if no date is specified). After all screenshots have been taken, the browser will close itself.

$ python3 tickets.py -h
usage: tickets.py [-h] [-d DATE] output

Take screenshots of CalTrain orders.

positional arguments:
  output                the directory to save screenshots to

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATE, --date DATE  optional. The date (MM/DD/YYYY) to stop crawling at, exclusive


Download all CalTrain orders after March 4th, 2023 into ~/Downloads/caltrain

$ python3 tickets.py -d 03/04/2023 ~/Downloads/caltrain

Download all CalTrain orders into ~/Downloads/caltrain

$ python3 tickets.py ~/Downloads/caltrain

SAP Concur

Uploads all images in the specified input directory into SAP Concur. The image names are parsed by splitting on _ (underscore) to retrieve date and price information which are used to populate the relevant fields when adding expenses.

When run, a browser window that is controlled by Selenium will open and navigate to the SAP Concur login page and wait. Once you've logged in, the script will start a new expense report and wait for the report details to be manually populated. Once the report has been created, the script will start adding expenses for each image in the specified input directory. The script files each expense as a parking expense, fills in date and price information, and uploads the corresponding transaction image as the attached receipt. After uploading all expenses, the script will hang until the browser window is closed.

$ python3 concur.py -h
usage: concur.py [-h] input

Create an SAP Concur expense report.

positional arguments:
  input       the directory with receipts to upload

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Create an expense report and add an expense for every receipt in ~/Downloads/caltrain

python3 concur.py ~/Downloads/caltrain