Hoverstate University API

Date: 11/11/2022

By: Austin Taylor

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Hoverstate University is a simple full-stack test project built using a PostgreSQL database with Sequelize as an ORM, React.js as the main frontend library. The current implementation uses Redux Toolkit along with Redux Persist to manage User State. The API is deployed using Railway and the front-end is deployed using Netlify.


Available routes are as follows:

  • /auth
    • /login
    • /register
  • /courses
    • / - get all courses
    • /:id - get course by id
    • /:id - update course by id
    • /:id - delete course by id
    • /create - post new course
  • /students
    • / get all students
    • /:id - get student by id
    • /:id - update student by id
    • /:id - delete student by id
  • /student-courses (join table)
    • /:id - get all courses by student id
    • /grade - edit student grade
    • /assign - assign student to course
  • /users
    • / - get all users (protected)

Technologies Used

  • PosgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • Express
  • React.js
  • Redux Toolkit
  • TailwindCSS
  • Node.js
  • Railway / Netlify

Entity Relationship Diagram:

Entity Relationship Diagram

Component Hierarchy Diagram:

Component Hierarchy Diagram


MIT License

Copyright © 2022 Austin Taylor