
Dark Neon theme for Textmate 2 , Sublime Text 2 , Chocolat and Coda 2

#Dark Neon Theme for Sublime Text 2, Textmate 2, Chocolat and Coda 2

You can also find the theme here:



Dark Neon theme is your typical Textmate theme to works with Sublime Text 2 (Sublime Text 3), Chocolat App and of course Textmate 2, there is also a version for Coda 2 for those who like IDEs. Dark Neon is based on InfiniteRed’s IR_Black.

This is targeted toward front-end developers... sort of.


###Editor Screenshots:

  • Chocolat App: Dark Neon Theme

  • Textmate 2: Dark Neon Theme

  • Sublime Text 2: Dark Neon Theme

  • Coda 2: Dark Neon Theme


  • iTerm2
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Espresso
  • Mou
  • BBEdit (maybe)
  • TextWrangler


Dark Neon Theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. You are free to use and share the theme.