Webflow Script Conditional Loader

This project includes a dynamic script loader that determines which script to load based on the current environment and domain. The loader is designed to be flexible and easily configurable for different deployment scenarios.


The loader script is written in JavaScript and is embedded within an HTML file. It dynamically sets the source of a script element based on the hostname of the current window location. This allows for different scripts to be loaded in development, QA, and production environments.


  • Environment Detection: The script can detect whether it is running in a QA or production environment.
  • Domain-Based Script Loading: Different scripts can be loaded based on the domain name.
  • Deferred Script Loading: The script element is created with the defer attribute to ensure it does not block the initial page load.


QA Flag

The isQAReady variable is a boolean flag that determines whether the QA script should be loaded. Set this to true to load the production script in all environments.