Flexible, Powerful, Secure auth package for CodeIgniter 4.
NOTE: This package is under early development and is not ready for prime-time.
This repo is maintained by volunteers. If you post an issue and haven't heard from us within 7 days, feel free to ping the issue so that we see it again.
This is meant to be a one-stop shop for 99% of your web-based authentication needs with CI4. It includes the following primary features:
- Password-based authentication with remember-me functionality for web apps
- Flat RBAC per NIST standards, described here and here.
- All views/javascript necessary in cross-browser manner
- Publish files to the main application via a CLI command for easy customization
- Debug Toolbar integration
Installation is intended to be done via Composer. Assuming Composer is installed globally, you may use the following command:
> composer require myth/auth
This will add the latest stable release of Myth\Auth as a module to your project. Note that you may need to adjust your project's minimum stability in order to use Myth\Auth while it is in beta.
Should you choose not to use Composer to install, you can clone or download this repo and then enable it by editing app/Config/Autoload.php and adding the Myth\Auth namespace to the $psr4 array. For example, if you copied it into app/ThirdParty:
$psr4 = [
'Config' => APPPATH . 'Config',
'App' => APPPATH,
'Myth\Auth' => APPPATH .'ThirdParty/myth-auth/src',
Once installed you need to configure the framework to use the Myth\Auth library. In your application, perform the following setup:
Edit app/Config/Email.php and verify that a fromName and fromEmail are set as that is used when sending emails for password reset, etc.
Edit app/Config/Validation.php and add the following value to the ruleSets array:
Ensure your database is setup correctly, then run the Auth migrations:
php spark migrate -all
NOTE: This library uses your application's cache settings to reduce database lookups. If you want
to make use of this, simply make sure that your are using a cache engine other than dummy
it is properly setup. The GroupModel
and PermissionModel
will handle caching and invalidation
in the background for you.
When first installed, Myth:Auth is setup to provide all of the basic authentication services for you, including new user registration, login/logout, and forgotten password flows.
"Remember Me" functionality is turned off by default though it can be turned on
by setting the $allowRemembering
variable to be true
in Config/Auth.php.
Routes are defined in Auth's Config/Routes.php file. This file is automatically located by CodeIgniter when it is processing the routes. If you would like to customize the routes, you should copy the file to the app/Config directory and make your changes there.
Basic views are provided that are based on Bootstrap 4 for all features.
You can easily override the views used by editing Config/Auth.php, and changing the appropriate values
within the $views
public $views = [
'login' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\login',
'register' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\register',
'forgot' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\forgot',
'reset' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\reset',
'emailForgot' => 'Myth\Auth\Views\emails\forgot',
NOTE: If you're not familiar with how views can be namespaced in CodeIgniter, please refer to the user guide for CI4's Code Module support.
The following Services are provided by the package:
Provides access to any of the authentication packages that Myth:Auth knows about. By default it will return the "Local Authentication" library, which is the basic password-based system.
$authenticate = Config\Services::authentication();
You can specify the library to use as the first argument:
$authenticate = Config\Services::authentication('jwt');
Provides access to any of the authorization libraries that Myth:Auth knows about. By default it will return the "Flat" authorization library, which is a Flat RBAC (role-based access control) as defined by NIST. It provides user-specific permissions as well as group (role) based permissions.
$authorize = $auth = Config\Services::authorization();
Provides direct access to the Password validation system. This is an expandable system that currently supports many of NIST's latest Digital Identity guidelines. The validator comes with a dictionary of over 620,000 common/leaked passwords that can be checked against. A handful of variations on the user's email/username are automatically checked against.
$authenticate = Config\Services::passwords();
Most of the time you should not need to access this library directly, though, as a new Validation rule
is provided that can be used with the Validation library, strong_password
. In order to enable this,
you must first edit app/Config/Validation.php and add the new ruleset to the available rule sets:
public $ruleSets = [
Now you can use strong_password
in any set of rules for validation:
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required|strong_password'
Myth:Auth comes with its own Helper
that includes the following helper functions to ease access to basic features. Be sure to
load the helper before using these functions: helper('auth');
Hint: Add 'auth'
to any controller's $helper
property to have it loaded automatically,
or the same in app/Controllers/BaseController.php to have it globally available. the
auth filters all pre-load the helper so it is available on any filtered routes.
- Function: Checks to see if any user is logged in.
- Parameters: None
- Returns:
- Function: Returns the User instance for the current logged in user.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: The current User entity, or
- Function: Returns the User ID for the current logged in user.
- Parameters: None
- Returns: The current User's integer ID, or
- Function: Ensures that the current user is in at least one of the passed in groups.
- Parameters: Group IDs or names, as either a single item or an array of items.
- Returns:
- Function: Ensures that the current user has at least one of the passed in permissions.
- Parameters: Permission ID or name.
- Returns:
Myth:Auth uses CodeIgniter Entities for it's User object, and your application must also use that class. This class provides automatic password hashing as well as utility methods for banning/un-banning, password reset hash generation, and more.
It also provides a UserModel that should be used as it provides methods needed during the password-reset flow, as well as basic validation rules. You are free to extend this class or modify it as needed.
The UserModel can automatically assign a role during user creation. Pass the group name to the
method prior to calling insert()
or save()
to create a new user and the user
will be automatically added to that group.
$user = $userModel
User registration already handles this for you, and looks to the Auth config file's, $defaultUserGroup
setting for the name of the group to add the user to.
Myth:Auth includes a toolbar collector to make it easy for developers to work with and troubleshoot the authentication process. To enable the collector, edit app/Config/Toolbar.php and add it to the list of active collectors:
public $collectors = [
If you specify each of your routes within the app/Config/Routes.php
file, you can restrict access
to users by group/role or permission with Controller Filters.
First, edit application/Config/Filters.php
and add the following entries to the aliases
'login' => \Myth\Auth\Filters\LoginFilter::class,
'role' => \Myth\Auth\Filters\RoleFilter::class,
'permission' => \Myth\Auth\Filters\PermissionFilter::class,
Global restrictions
The role and permission filters require additional parameters, but LoginFilter
can be used to
restrict portions of a site (or the entire site) to any authenticated user. If no logged in user is detected
then the filter will redirect users to the login form.
Restrict routes based on their URI pattern by editing app/Config/Filters.php and adding them to the
array, e.g.:
public filters = [
'login' => ['before' => ['account/*']],
Or restrict your entire site by adding the LoginFilter
to the $globals
public $globals = [
'before' => [
Restricting a single route
Any single route can be restricted by adding the filter
option to the last parameter in any of the route definition
$routes->get('admin/users', 'UserController::index', ['filter' => 'permission:manage-user'])
$routes->get('admin/users', 'UserController::index', ['filter' => 'role:admin,superadmin'])
The filter can be either role
or permission
, which restricts the route by either group or permission.
You must add a comma-separated list of groups or permissions to check the logged in user against.
Restricting Route Groups
In the same way, entire groups of routes can be restricted within the group()
$routes->group('admin', ['filter' => 'role:admin,superadmin'], function($routes) {
This library is intentionally slim on user identifying information, having only the fields necessary for
authentication and authorization. You will likely want to add fields like a user's name or phone number.
You can create your own migration to add these fields (see: an example migration.
If you used auth:publish
you can also add these fields to your UserModel
's $allowedFields