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Automate Most of the Tracking Containment Exampmle

Creating a demo of the tracking containment environment is simplified with a little bit of automation. This directory has the Terraform logic to create two clusters:

  1. A "user" cluster, which is the cluster that we want to run the Tracking Containment rules.
  2. An "olly" cluster, which is the cluster in which we will perform the audit & logging work.


The Terraform plugins include the elastic/ec and elastic/elasticstack. The elastic/ec plugin facilitates creating the clusters. The elastic/elasticstack plugin provides several helpers to manage the contents of a cluster.

In order to create the clusers, you will need an Elastic Cloud API Key.

  1. Create an API key in Elastic Cloud
    • Navigate to the API Key page
    • Click Create API Key
    • Name the Key, e.g. audit-demo
    • Click Create API Key
    • Copy the API key to somewhere safe, since it will not be shown again.
  2. You will need to set the API key as the value of the EC_API_KEY environment variable, e.g. export EC_API_KEY=<your api key>

In addition to the API key, you will need to have Terraform. Hashicorp, the creators of Terraform, have instructions for installing Terraform.

  1. Install terraform
  2. In the automation directory, run terraform init
    • This will get the plugins that are required to run the install


With the API key and terraform available, you can create the clusters and start the data flow by simply running make

Sample State Queries

GET .kibana_task_manager/_search?size=40

GET .kibana-event-log-*/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "match": {
            "rule.name": "filtered"
          "match": {
            "event.action": "execute"
          "match": {
            "kibana.alert.rule.execution.metrics.alert_counts.active": 1