A very rough template for starting a ClojureScript JS extension for Roam.


  • run yarn install to get JavaScript dependencies
  • run shadow-cljs watch roam-cljs-example to start building project
  • create a new page to test on in Roam
  • add a {{[[roam/js]]}} block to the test page, and under that block, add the following JavaScript snippet to load the ClojureScript output:
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = "http://localhost:8081/js/roam-cljs-example.js";
s.id = "roamhill";
s.type = "text/javascript";

(Note that you may have to hide the left sidebar in Roam for the rendered control to be visible: "Ctrl-\")

You can connect to the shadow=cljs REPL session on port 9000 -- you start the ClojureScript REPL session by:

(shadow/repl :roam-cljs-example)

example test page

roam-cljs-example test page in roam