Welcome to the Travel Buddy API, the backend for a React app where users can explore the hidden gems of travel, submitted by fellow travellers.
You can find the hosted verson here: https://travel-buddy-2020.herokuapp.com/graphql
This was part of a two-week, four-person group final project at the Northcoders bootcamp. It uses the following technologies:
- Node.js
- Express
- GraphQL
- PostgreSQL
- Knex
It was built following the test-driven development (TDD) process using Jest and Supertest.
As we used GraphQL, there is only one endpoint: https://travel-buddy-2020.herokuapp.com/graphql
We have left the GraphiQL tool running so you can try making some queries in the browser. As you type a query, the autocomplete will guide you as to what fields you can request. An example query is shown below.
To run this API on your machine, you will need Node.js and Postgres installed on your machine.
To install Postgres, go to: https://www.postgresql.org/download/ The version required is a minimum of v. 12.1
To install Node, go to: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ The version required is a minimum of v. 13.8.0
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Clone a copy of the repository on your machine using the below command:
git clone https://github.com/austinbooth/travelbuddy-backend.git
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Knex requires your username and password in order to access Postgres.
You should create a user.info.js file in the project root and add this file to the .gitignore file (along with the node_modules folder.) An example setup of the file is below:
const userInfo = {
username: "your-postgres-username",
password: "your-postgres-password",
module.exports = userInfo;
Note: If you are using Mac OS you will not need this file as your machine will remember your PSQL username and password.
This API uses two databases, a test database and a development database.
To create both databases and seed them, run the following scripts in your terminal:
npm run setup-dbs
npm run seed
npm run seed-test
Jest was used for automated testing (TDD) whilst developing this API. To execute the tests, run the following command:
npm test app
To run the tests written for the utils functions, run the following command:
npm test utils
To run the tests written for the error handling, run the following command:
npm test error-handling
We'd like to thank the team at Northcoders for providing us with the knowledge and skills to create this API.